dah brape ari ibu x tulis ni..ade la seminggu kan.sebab last friday kan ke kite balik kpg..hehe..kazen ibu kawen dgn artis. best x farish kite balik tganu...ok..ok..ibu sambung dlu cite ngandung ibu. 8 bulan - haha..kalau farish iman nak tau ibu xsempat rase nk bwk farish dlm perut sampai 9 bulan. hmm..mase 8bulan ni mencabar btol.ibu dah stat rase contraction yg sgt2 skt mase 28/12..time tu balik keje je ibu demam..pastuh tibe2 je tgh mlm tu ibu tejage tgk susu dah kuar sket..haaa..time tuh da takut mane la tau da nk besalin. ayah pon da panik. supposed esoknye kene g ipoh sbb paklong wat kenduri anniversary die ke 50taun kawen. pg tu ibu xlarat nk travel..igt mcm xmo g dah. tp cam rase berat ati lak kalo xpegi pastuh makteh farish pulak cucuk kat nk g makan steamboat kat MP..huhu..rugi xpegi nih. so ibu pon g la ipoh dlm kul 3 tu dgn ayah..ktorg travel dgn duit ibu mase ade 10 hengget jek..ayah pon 10 hengget je kot (ibu soh ayah benti kat petronas nk g amik duit tp ayah degil)..ibu time tu lapa gile xlunch lagi pastuh gi la kat kfc tp tgk duit cam xcukup je terus pusing g kat dunkin donat..mampu bli 2 keping je donat (time tuh kat hentian ulu bernam). cabaran seterusnye mase kenduri umah paklong ibu pegi main botol kakak sara..huhu..abes tumpah sume atas baju ibu...baju berbau susu.ibu pegi bukak bwh botol tu sbb botol tu lain macam sket...pastuh cam nk tunjuk eksyen dgn ayah. skang ni botol tu la jd fevret farishiman..mummy kasi prezen..hehe..ni description botol fevret farishiman : MAM: Ultivent Anti-Colic Bottle ( 160ml )
Product Descriptions :-MAM Silken Suction Cup.- with a surface that is similar to the skin and silky-smooth - gentle like the mother's breastThe perfectly-coordinated interaction of the MAM Silken Suction Cup and base valve is as close to nursing as it can get, and sucking at the bottle is very much like sucking at the mother's breast. This makes it possible for your baby to make an easy transition between nursing and bottle-feeding. You and your baby can enjoy the advantages of both options!Nursing-friendly feeding..- with innovative base valve and valve openings in the base of the bottle. During the drinking process, the base valve adjusts the liquid quantity drunk with a gentle and continuous air supply. This way, there will be no negative pressure in the bottle, and the stream will be as consistent as with nursing. Additionally, the constant pressure balance prevents the liquid from frothing and thus prevents colic. You and your baby can experience the difference!
Product characteristics MAM Care Silken Suction Cup promotes natural sucking, as when at a mother's breast. The anti-colic bottle valve means less bubbles, and thus more comfort for your baby. The base of the bottle can be unscrewed, making for easy and thorough cleaning. The protective cap locks the suction cup on for easy transport without spills The clear quantity markings facilitate precise measurements. MAM Care bottles are made of polypropylene and do not contain bisphenol A
haa..tu la die botol kegemaran farishiman..
ok..sambung balik citenye mlm tu ayah dah sakit perut,g toilet byk kali. pastuh esoknye pas breakfast kat hollywood..(farishiman kecik2 da pegi hollywood) ayah lagi skt perut..ki blanje mkn lunch mahal pun ayah xselera mkn. so kitorang decide nk lepak2 umah opah chik kat tambun dlu baru blk kl..sbb tengahari tu panas sgt. ayah ni dok skt perut lg sampai la ptg tu ktorg bgn tdo ujan la pulak..lebat lak tuh. kakak sara da kene bwk pegi ipoh specialist dah sbb dmm. ibu dah ajak ayah g pantai medical centre sbb ibu rase2 ayah ni skt perut lain mcm ni. so ktorg g ah emergency kat pantai tu tp servis die lambat sbb ade ah soh meninggal lak mlm tu, dorang tolak mayat tu btol2 sebelah tmpt ibu duduk..tekejut ibu mase tu. at last kul 11 mlm lebih ayah g marah nurse tu soh cpt sbb ayah kesian kat ibu (ibu kan bwk farishiman mase tu)..dlm kul doblas ayah kuar drp bilik dokter bwk satu surat utk kasi kat dokter spital mase blk kl nnt. ibu dah saspek ayah kene apendiks. sok blk kl (ayah drive..sian ayah)..terus g umah wan mkn lunch pastuh tggu ayah su kte pon pegi smc...ayah kene cek pastuh terus kene admit..hehe..btol ayah kene apendiks. ibu pun dgn sayunye blk umah kemas brg2 ayah kat umah nk bwk g spital.mlm tu ibu tmn ayah sampai kul 10 je sbb ibu xleh tdo kat wad tu,dorang xkasi.soknye pg2 ibu dah pegi tgk ayah..sbb ayah nk operate dah. dokter dtg cek2 sket trus kate nk operate. 5 menet pastu anestician dtg nk explain pasal anestetik kat ayah..sain2 surat pe sume dorang pon tolak ayah masuk ot..huhu..sian kat ibu da la ngandung ayah pulak kene operate. ibu sorang2 je mase tu. alhamdulillah..ayah masuk dlm tu 45 menet jek. pastu dokter lim tu kuar cari ibu tunjuk apendiks ayah..die letak dlm botol. die tunjuk apendiks ayah dah bengkak kalo lambat sket dtg misti dah pecah. 3 ari ayah kat spital ibu drive dari umah ke hospital sendiri..dgn penuh penyiksaan & perasaan contraction.
apendiks ayah dah ade kat dlm botol

20/1 - pg tu kul 9 ibu da kuar umah dgn ayah nk g cek up kat demc..cam biase.stat mggu ni sepatutnye ibu dah kene cek up semggu skali. time scan tu (ibu suke sgt setiap kali scan..bole jumpe farishiman) dokter mazita dah rase contraction skali..die ckp "puan,nampaknye dah ade contraction ye"..ibu snyp je.pastuh pas 2 menet die rase contraction lagi. die ckp "puan,kerap sgt contraction nih..boleh saye cek pangkal rahim dah tebukak ke blom"..ibu pon xkesah so die pon cek la...(ibu xmo cite die cek cane)...pastuh dgn gembirenye dokter ckp "tahniah ye puan..dah tebukak dlm 2 cm"...adeh...ibu dah nk beranak ke..due date patutnye 7/2,lambat lg.
dipendekkan cite..ibu xsakit pon lg & konpius btol ke dah nk beranak ni (stroller dgn car seat xbli lg).ibu blk umah wan pastuh mkn (xde la beselera sgt) & teringin pulak nk minum a&w root bir (achu yg kene belikan). dlm kul 2 lebih tu dah kuar darah ibu pon tepon ayah soh anta ibu gi spital - dah kuar darah pon xsakit lg (konpius).dlm kul 3 ibu dah ade kat demc..dorang letak mesen yg bole dgr heartbeat baby dgn contraction tuh...cam bunyi vacuum cleaner - mase tu pon ibu xsakit lg, dah bukak 4 cm dah
dlm kul 5 ibu dah kene masuk labour room - ibu tgk ayah dah cuak..haha..sebenanye ibu pon cuak gak, saje cover. pas dok atas katil tuh, staff nurse pecahkan air ketuban..ade bunyik 'pop' pastuh bole rase la aliran air yg agak suam..air tu meleleh gi mane ibu xtau. bile da pecah ketuban tu, ibu dah kene drip air, pastu asik nk tekencing jek..seksa btol.time dah tebukak dlm 6 cm tu dokter pon da dtg tgk ibu, ki dgn wan sume dah ade...stat la ibu nye contraction yg amat2 skt..haa..time ni la baru sakit btol...pusing kiri xkene pusing kanan xkene..dgr org becakap je rase nk lempang. mase tu ibu pgg tgn ayah kuat2 ibu ckp ibu sakit. ayah soh ibu saba..bace pape yg patut.tp ibu da telalu sakit ibu bole sebut name Allah je kat mulut, dalam ati mcm2 ibu bace. kul 8 ibu dah stat push farishiman...ibu xmakan mlm so ibu xlarat nk push, farishiman kene vacuum sket (sori,ibu x sengaje)..alhamdulillah kul 8.13 farishiman dah ade atas perut ibu, ayah pon cium dahi ibu. mase tu tuhan je yg tau perasaan ibu..sedih ade hepi pon ade. lg sayu bile dgr ayah azan kat telinge farishiman. ibu cium farishiman..(best nye bau baby..bau syurga) time tu ibu dah jadi wanita yg sempurna...ade suami..ade anak...best..best...pastuh ibu pon muntah (sbb minum air gas sebelum beranak..ade ke patut)
bile ibu nk masuk wad balik ibu nampak opah dah sampai..opah xsempat tgk ibu besalin, nak pgg farishiman pon xleh sbb ade dlm nursery..mlm tu ibu tdo kat wad dgn penuh rase kesakitan (ubat bius dah abes efek nye).