--> dah lame x apdet
last2 weeks adelah hari2 yg amat bizi sampai x igt brape kali je dapat bemain2 dgn air liur pishimen my bro in law's solemnization falls on my 2*th birthday (korang teka la sndri)...sob..sob..sad..sad..sbb dah tue. pastuh sumorang sibuk2 pasal wedding xde sape nk wish..(ok, inche' riki dah wish dah the nite b4 & pg tu tp saje je nk dramatik sket) aa...pishimen pon x wish jugak. tido malam tu da pk mcm2...misti inche' riki ade bli kek simpan dlm peti ais. so pg tu pegi geledah peti ais tgk xde pape pon...huhu...sedey balik. tp mlm tu ade la celebration nye kat umah mama..hehe..inche' riki dgn pantasnye pegi bli kfc dgn kek (da merajuk baru nk bli) & dgn tuntas nye kami makan sbb kelaparan. papa pon x igt my b'day (sob sob lg) tp die kaver buat2 muke tenang & muke keras kunun2 anak2 dah besa xpayah wish2 lagi but deep in my heart i'll always remember yg papa is the best dad ever yg xpenah lupe b'day anak2 die & family member's b'day ialah mase yg paling best utk bekumpul ramai2 (aku xpaham nape ade org xpenah celebrate b'day,makruh ke..stakat bace doa panjang umo xkan salah kot?)
soknye adelah mother's day.dgn banggenye ni la first time i celebrate mother's day & ade skali tu mase tgk advertisement mother's day kat 8tv tetibe je rase sebak (duh...drama queen la pulak). hmm actually bukan senang nk mengandung, nk beranak & most of all nk jage anak --> the reason y i didn't have maid. kalau ade maid misti take for granted je soh maid jage anak pastuh xpyh wat keje umah. even until now i'm still struggling to scheduled my time as a mother, a wife & seorang pekerja. i'm lucky coz my mom can help me to take care of pishimen since xsampai ati nk anta die g nursery kecik2 camni..thanks mama! this year is a double celebration for me as a new mother & my first b'day as a mom. pastuh g keje ari isnin time assembly, kampeni kasi kek as to celebrate mother's day & also birthday greetings for those who're born in May --> kan best kalo dlm kad besday tu ade emas seketul ke..duit ke...
kad besday kampeni -->xde emas ataupun duit disertakan
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wah besday dapat kad
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