last 2 weeks i managed to watch the last 30 minutes of the movie (due to our jalan2 cari makan activity from pantai to bangsar back to taipan). i'm glad i can still make it as i never watched the movie b4 (org lain dah tgk cite beribu kali dah). got friends saying that it is a good movie so i need to check it out...mmg btol!! i'm impressed with the message (eventhough tgk 30 menet je, xtau la aku interprete cite ni btol ke x, ni kire ikut pemahaman aku jela), not forgetting the superlicious actor & actressess..(ala...tu sume kosmetik je) & mende2 yg klaka pon ade gak cam kat spital tu ngape ramai sgt dokter indon, pastuh kat court nye cam ade sket2 mcm scene nk jd cite industan. never mind that...da name pon cite.
i never watched our movie (org malaysia buat) yg cite pasal poligami yg camni. biase la kalo cite org tu kawen due snyp2 la..pastuh 1st wife ngamuk serang 2nd wife la..xpon berebut harte...xpon ank kang becinte, tau2 adik bradik lain mak, xpon ilang ingatan..kawen lain pastuh jd kaye...adeh...sume ni tipikal dah kite tgk in our local movies. but this movie made me think..about destiny
i made my own assumption about that movie (yela, da tgk dkt2 nk last da kan). mamat tuh even die kawen due tp die punye cinte gile maut kat 1st wife die je...i was really touched bile die bitau 1st wife die yg die cinte wife die kerana Allah, jodoh yg die pilih, poligami tu bukan nye sng. bile die takut die xleh be fair to both wives..he seeks God's direction & willing to learn to make both of them happy. agaknye2 org yg poligami skarang ade ke pikir mende2 tu sume? tp..nape aku rase die kawen dgn 2nd wife die mcm terpakse je...(yg ni aku kene tgk cite ni dr awal)
aku rase mcm happy sgt bile tgk 2nd wife die dah bedarah idung (haa...maknenye xlame lagi die dah nk mati, yess!!!....dah xde da watak penyibuk dlm cite ni)..tgk2 btol...hehe...umo die dah xpjg..cite ni bakal berakhir dgn penuh kegembiraan. at last, she could differentiate between love & desire..hmm..bgs la die dah insaf (chewah!!!) sempat gak la die semayang sblm meninggal (time tu bole pulak inche' riki tnye cane die semayang dgn tatu kat tgn tuh...aku igt die da tdo tgk cite tuh). ade satu lg scene yg aku suke...mase announce mamat tuh xbesalah kat court, die terus sujud syukur..ade ke cite melayu penah wat scene cenggini bile rase bersyukur???
as a conclusion...aku x sanggup jd cam minah yg pakai purdah dlm cite tuh!!!!!!!!!!..da la die yg suruh laki die kawen...adeh, nape die mulia sgt??...(ala, da name pon cite) kene tinggal 2,3 ari mase inche' riki gi otstesen pon aku dah xlalu nk mkn...ini pulak (na'uzubillah). so, inche' riki if you're reading this entry...this is for you. u're my destiny, dunia & akhirat...lillahi ta'ala.. wink..wink..
tryla baca buku dia...lg touching!
hiqs : aku kene tggu ank aku besa sket. sbb keje die skang ni segale ketas yg die jumpe die koyak & masukkan dlm mulut..dan aku akan merase sgt touching tgk keadaan tu. btw, aku ade nmpk buku dia...terliur je nk beli
hahaha..sama la kesimpulan kite.
tapi aku tak pernah rasa nk tgk cite ni..pesal ntah..
tapi terpaksa tgk sbb yg pakai purdah tu cun
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