before i move on to my entry today, u guys should have a bit info on this so called contest (aku pon mule2 xtau jugak)'s a contest yg membolehkan korang kawen secara's called 'Gerbang Cinta', sponsored by Mega Utusan & - skang korang boleh google dlm window yg lain so that entry ni akan synchronize dgn info korang.
the runner-up winner is my ex-neighbour last time when my father worked in Kelantan..she's 2 years junior than me. we used to call her 'Na' & at that time we still can't pronounce her name well which is Qistina. we were very good friends & her grandparents also seems enjoying their time to entertain us as well. the last time we met was about 5 years back when my father worked in Ipoh & they visited us on their way to register Na at UTP. since then, they have visited us quite often. her mother is the warmest & bubbliest person I've ever met. she's (the mother) also lucky as well, she did enter a contest in Wayang Kita & won a trip to Hollywood & Universal Studios with Anuar Zain...goshhh..bestnyerr. her father remains the same as we always known him. i told inche' riki that one day when he's older, he will look like Na's father..kecik & comel & maintain je & maybe our kids will also look the same as Na's siblings...(kalau ikut my genetics mungkin bole jd cam lain pulak).
enough of the introduction, korang pon dah google dlm window lain pasal info couple nih (aku xkenal pun mamat tuh) berbalik kite pada cite kenduri kawen. sesungguhnye kenduri ni adelah 100% sponsored except for door gifts & the singing show that note, which is performed by Na's youngest sister..mmg best suare die. tp kalau die masuk AF pon aku takut nk vote sbb skang ni aku rajin bace blog keretamayat.blogspot...kalau aku vote die nnt die menang, xmenang pon bole jadi artis jugak. pastuh kalo jd artis tu bedose ke?? pastuh kalo bedose aku pon bedose jugak ke sbb aku penah vote die utk die jadi artis....warghhh...xmo pikir dah.tu dah lari dari cite aku pasal wedding nih. for this contest they won RM50k to cover the function. sponser sume dah ade cume tinggal dorang cite je dorang nk konsep ape. pastuh yg best tuh mas kawen je dah RM11k..nyum..nyum..teringat pulak time aku nikah dlu, kalo dpt mas kawen cenggitu misti dlm gamba aku sengih sampai telinga.
dlm kad jemputan start at 8pm dah bole masuk dewan. kitorang ni utk menghormati majlis kul 7 dah ready nk gerak dari rumah dah (ikut plan asal kul 6.30). semayang magrib kat sane la nanti..tempatnye kat MAEPS, Serdang (aku xpenah dgr)..bile tgk plan mende tu ade kat dlm UPM kot tp kat MARDI..argh...tu xde isu, kitorang berjaye sampai kat tempat tuh. before 8.30pm kitorang dgn punctualnye dah masuk dewan (majlis yg sebenar start at 8.30). sib baik atas meja ade kepek pisang, pinggan kitorang dah licin sbb kul 9 pon xstart2 lg. pengantin masuk dewan kul 9.30pm..perghh..pishimen da siap tido, bangun balik dah. sara dah makan 6 bijik choclairs & sgt2 extreem meloncat2 dah. dlm kul 10 baru dorang kasi makan (aku dah xjadi lapa time tuh)..da la tu ade ke patut die wat buffet pulak. beratur nk amik makanan pon da amik mase 30 menet...aku xmo komen panjang2 sbb ni kawen sponser, bukan salah mak bapak pengantin tp yg sponser tuh jgn la sengal sgt buat perbuatan2 yg mangkuk cenggini. konfem xde org nk amik korang utk wat wedding dorang. kat sini aku nk komen bab makan je, yg lain2 pon bole tahan same hampeh gak tp malas nk taip sbb ni pon da bole kire pjg jugak dah.
p/s: aku malas nk cite jugak pasal mencari jalan pulang sbb korang sedia maklum UPM tuh byk pintu pagar & compound yg besar amat. byk jln tutup pulak..wargh...malas nk cite
maka..sebagai penutup aku akan hidangkan korang dgn gamba2 yg kitorang amik sementare nk tggu majlis stat, sementare nk tggu dpt makanan, sementare nk tggu kuar dewan...sementare..bla..bla...bla...
baru abeskan kepek pisang sepinggan
tugas rasmi inche' riki
berat sama dipikul ringan sama dijinjing
pishimen tgh caj bateri
pelamin sponser yg dah xde pengantin
banner sponser utama di samping kusi meja pengantin
bawak balik daun as souvenir
bukan senang nk amik gamba 3 org termasuklah beg botol susu skali
1 comment:
best gile yg pegi hollywood kakak sara ngan pishimen muka dah nk sama la.comelsss
ko tempek la gmbr mereka2 byk lagi..aku suke nk tgk hehe
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