may is just around the corner & this whole month i'm battling with pishimen's health. last week we stranded ourselves again as pishimen hospitalized for 4 days. and this time the temperature is even higher than the previous. and again i caught myself with the worst coughing & sore throat ever...& a bit of flunessess...(x suke flu). luckily, during my coughing days inche' riki have been very2 nice to make me his own cough remedy which is : honey + lime + lots of love = no more cough!!
at the same time i'm juggling with my workload..since discharged from hospital, i'm working like almost 8 (normal office hours) + 3 (maximum overtime for a day) + 3 (working from home) in a day. even saturday & sunday my team had to come back to work, which i really appreciate it...so very much. i'm making myself available as well to pishimen but i really feel like i don't have that much energy left. my shopping therapy was far from real..haven't have the time yet, even for online shopping (this is soooo not me). i'm not having enough 6 hours sleep, i didn't even pick up my lens that i've ordered from the shop just 2 minutes drive from my office (mcm busy sgt je bunyinye), haven't done mopping with the new floor cleaner that i can't wait to see the effect on my floor..my-to-do list is getting longer & maybe i should cancel half of it.
may is approaching & it reminds me to a lot of things :
1. it's almost half of a year, have i reached half of my kpi?? not my working kpi, but my daily life kpi + i have my own kpi...haha..kecoh je minah nih. as far as i know, i still didn't reach my kpi yet...
2. it's my birth month..meaning i'm getting older (sad)..syukur to Allah as i'm still alive
3. i need to go somewhere..a gateaway from work..a holiday maybe...other than just 'balik kampung' (boring asik pegi tempat same, ok)
4. save money..spend money...save money...spend money...
5. continue my studies
6. to make pishimen at least a kg heavier (huhu)
7. to make myself lose some kg(s)...haha ;)