11 April 2010

another weekend diaries...

haven't blog for almost 3 weeks since pishimen was discharged from the hospital. been busy coping with :

1. pishimen - he's not fully recovered yet. up till early this week we took a day off from work as he keeps on getting fever & for the first time, diarrhoea. it was a normal viral infection & according to his doctor this is a normal phase of growing up...as long as it's not serious then it's okay. die da bole jalan laju sekarang..garang..kuat beleter..pandai mengusik..gigi pon dah nak masuk 4

2. work - keje mmg xpenah abes, kalo abes tepakse la cari keje lain pulak kan. lately mmg busy sgt even the whole last week selsema + batuk pon i can't afford to take leave, takut tak tersiap pulak keje..deadline sume dekat2.ni dah start sore throat balik..huhu. hopefully by next week dah bole keja sume deadline, Insya-Allah.

3. housework - mmg xtekejar nk buat keje umah. tugas2 rasmi basuh+jemur+angkat kain kat ampaian tu dipikul oleh inche' riki. i'm just the folding person coz i got my own criteria in folding clothes..haha..cerewet! nk nmpk cantik & neat bile susun dlm almari.mop lantai dah terbengkalai almost sebulan lebih. tp vacuum tu selalu la coz pishimen dok slalu main atas lantai, risau pulak kot die telan pape bendasing atas lantai+carpet nun

4. travelling - last week we went back to inche' riki's kampung to attend my nephew's cukur jambul ceremony. me + pishimen were not in our best condition & most of the time we just melepek in the room. pishimen's getting fever frequently & i was thinking that we shouldn't travel at the first place. but since this was considered a family occasion so..we've got no choice. yesterday we left fot Gambang Water Park, Kuantan to attend inche' riki's workplace's family day. kitorang menumpang saja & pishimen really enjoyed himself there. the room was big enough for 2 families but there's only 3 of us in there so pishimen apa lagi..org baru pandai bejalan, seronok sakan! this evening before heading home we brought him swimming in the pool...excited habis..even his parents pon dah lame xmain air. we bought him a big yellow pelampung but he didn't seem really enjoy wearing it..so it's us la yg kena jadi his float. mandi sampai sume nye kecut, baru puas ati nak balik. since ince' riki have to work (as a photographer) dari pagi sampai ptg so me & pishimen have to layan diri sendiri saja la..huhu

5. shopping - actual shopping haven't been done yet but my wishlist is getting longer. i really need a shopping session!!!! grrrr!!!!!


nanin said...

fini, alhamdulillah things have gone better for baby pishimen. ishhh.. tak dpt bayangkan kalau diri sendiri sakit, anak pun sakit tp kene jugak pergi keje... waaaaaa...! take care ok. makan more fruits & healthy stuff & drink plenty fluids.

ama said...

whoah! membaca entry kau ni, terapinya sememangnya shopping!

aku mmg teringat sgt2 kes semput aku masa kecik2 dulu..sakit woo..sgt doakan pishimen sihat & pulih sepenuhnya..

selipa_oren said...

nanin : he's geting better & naughtier..aku mmg xmakan healthy stuffs lately patut la asik sakit jek

amar : kes semput mmg mengharukan kalo masih kecik. pishimen dpt bronchitis ni sbb aku pon ade dlu...kuikuikui...nnt pishimen bole diskas pengalaman die dgn ko bile die da besa nnt

Empayar Digital said...

sekarang baru saya sedar yg awak memang pernah takutkan mascot A&W...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers