lame x apdet blog...(lame excuse) due to my buzy+ness & malas+ness bile pikir nk kene taip panjang2 & nk kene tggu lame bile nk upload gamba. since today x busy langsung at work (coz colleague yg best2 sume cuti) & boring sbb senyap sgt so i think it's better to update my blog here..hahaha
1. last month (16/5) i lost my aunty due to her battle with cancer (the one i mentioned in my post on mother's day).... it was very shocking coz the day before she showed a lot of progress by starting to accept food (which is milk)& the next day all her vital organs are totally not functioning & at last her family decided to end the life support. It was the day when my mom asked me to join her visit my aunty at HKL but i decided to stay at home - sleeping (rase sgt terkilan & kejam - Ernie, u know what i meant)....frens, Al-Fatihah.
2. inche' riki went outstation for a week...huhu..sad. but, eventhough i didn't own any BB but i'm still proud of my phone. throughout the week we've been utilizing our 3G application for video calls...lots of it. pishimen missed his ayah so very much so each time i showed him the screen he will like usap2 the screen & kiss his ayah on the phone screen - sungguh mengharukan & full of drama. until now whenever he heard my phone rings, he will help to get my phone & stare at the screen, in case any familiar faces are there.
3. pishimen's new development : sangat2 banyak & membanggakan. eventhough his words are restricted tu only ayah (inche' riki), bu (me), nak, & nanak (taknak) - others are purely baby talk but he could understand what have been said to him, e.g :
tak boleh
bukak seluar
bukak baju
minum, air minum mane?
remote mane?
tutup pintu
baring sini
telefon ibu mane?
sayang ibu...(he will come running & kiss sweet)
xnak kawan..
nnt ibu jentik (terus geleng kepala)
he's also good in throwing tantrums. the worst i saw was last monday when he insisted to eat his own apple (xbrani nk kasi die pegang sendiri takut tecekik). he was so angry with me & went berguling atas carpet & crying out loud, pegi blkg langsir & menjerit kat situ, ketuk2 pintu sbb geram & beguling balik atas god..i was like shocked & can't decide how to react. i just simply said to him 'ibu malas nk layan farish nangis...ibu nak masak. xnk kawan' soon as he heard xnk kawan..he stopped crying & followed me to the kitchen. tarik2 my seluar & said 'nak..nak..' i said xnak kawan once more & he was frustrated. he walked back to the living room & baring on his big cushion in front of the tv. feeling sangat kejam coz budak to kecik lagi then i quickly picked him up & kissed him until he start smiling again.
4. my ganti puasa project is not going well as i thought. i need to utilize this month & next month to get it completed. yesterday i started back my project & it was very tiring. luckily inche' riki balik awal & raced to the kitchen & cooked buka puase meals for me. sgt sedap once in a while kalau suami dpt masak utk kite lagi2 kalau suami kite tu pandai masak..haha.
got loads of pics to upload - all about pishimen. maybe in next post