21 June 2010

sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga

2 days ago pishimen patahkan my 1 & only MAC lipstick...
since 2 days ago i didn't apply any lipstick...
as i can't afford 1 now

today I couldn't see any light coming out from my phone
i had difficulties typing sms in the dark
i can't think of buying new phone
as i can't afford 1 now

huwaa.....xsuke la ujung bulan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


nanin said...

adakah pishimen juge bertanggungjawab dgn keadaan hp kamu? aku skarang gune hp rm100 jer. tension sbb asik kene repair hp lame, sbb maryam asik baling jatuh kat lantai je.

hp rm100 ---> gagah perkasa.. jatuh banyak kali, tp masih eloks!

selipa_oren said...

mmg pishimen betanggungjawab. die sgt amazed dgn phone & dah bole kenal bunyi incoming call & sms...amazing kan budak2 skang nih..maryam xlame lg da bole ckp phone dah..hehe

smlm aku cari phone yg cikai2...kene perli dgn org jual phone..sungguh biadap!

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