effective date : 9th May 2010
materials : a handbook - seam to me + a singer sewing machine
recent projects : lots of curtain alteration to desired length, pishimen's cushion cover, my mum's tablecloth
upcoming projects : top secret - still trying to find the right timing
skill level : intermediate
since that i'll be hooked up with my new hobby so i will have to find more time to blog as well. harusla mempamerkan hasil2 kegigihan & kerajinan. not forget to mention that the sewing machine is my 28th b'day present from inche' riki...yeayy...& looks like i have to sew something for him la..

walaupun awk ada mesin jahit baru tapi kenapa anak awak comel..??
satu lagi sapa yg bersihkan bumi lepas awk siap menjahit?
wow wow wee waaaaa XD
mengkagumkan! finie, nnt upload la gambar project top secret tu eh... ehehe..
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