pishi loves party
he woke up early that day
in the evening we went to najmi's 1st bday party (najmi macam ank org putih!)
there were lots of friends there (araiz, muizz, hannah, hani, araiz, najmi, amirul hakim, ank kerry aku xtau name!)
at first pishi thought he will enjoy himself to the max while at the party
but alas..he was wrong..he's not feeling very well (got temperature)
he also refused to drink milk that day (made his ibu risau je..)
but he managed to get to know some friends there
and enjoy the foods...sgt banyak food
pishi went home with a smiling face as he brought back the party pack together (aunty kemar pesan soh bawak balik)
back at home, he's enjoying himself with the party hat & balloon..what a wonderful day he had!

kami sekeluarga makan bersama

mmg satu cabaran nk amik gamba kanak2 kecil ni

we are smapian kids...yeayy!!!
p/s : kemar, ko saje je ek x jemput ustazah fatimah??
adoi finie. aku dah LAMA GILE tak kontek dia la. sgt lupe dah...
im bad...aku nak kontek, tp...sjk dah menjadi ibu ni sibuk gile la wei..
xpe..aku lupe pulak ustazah da pindah dok kelantan kot. last aku pegi umah die da packing2 barang sume..(aku pon lame dah xkontek die)
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