pandangan belah atas - quilted top

belah bawah - backing

timbunan fabrik2 yg menunggu mase utk dikorbankan
since this is my 1st quilting project so jgn harap la yg terbaekkk kan...but, i can assure you :
100% x ikut quilting skills..bekedut2 bagai
100% x sabar nk tunggu siap
100% x symmetry
100% dijahit dgn penuh kasih sayang..hihihi
so pishi..hope you will love it, as much as i do..i measure his cot size so that he can use it almost everywhere...even while travelling. piecing & stitching are the most tedious job ever & most of the times i thought bout quitting rather than quilting...maybe next time i should try hand quilting instead of machine..pishi had been very helpful by collecting rubbish on the floor (benang, fabrik, rambut aku...) & buang dlm bakul sampah..mmg die sgt pembersih orgnye & boleh nmpk mende yg kecik2 atas lantai nun (mungkin die pon nk amik course mikrobiologi utk degree die, mcm aku dulu).
ibu sayang farish..kay?

weh berbakat! tahniah
Wau.. you really berpontential to become housewife.. hahah..
nice quilting product.. machine sew is faster... if u try hand sew, then sure u quit soon.. hhahha
ernie : bakat yg saje dibuat2..aku x tabah sebenarnye
sau lin : waa..u also quilting meh? mmg i nak jadi housewife tapi husband i x bagi
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