sob..sob..rase mcm kejap je pregnen kali ni. maybe sbb busy dgn office work & dah ade pishi kat umah utk menambahkan kesibukan yg sedia pregnancy kali ni mmg byk stress nye :
1. restructuring of the company - since new management have take over our company (no longer under UEM group)for sure management baru nk restructure blk company organisation & masukkan org2 die sikit sebanyak dlm board of management. i was meant to be separated with my team for the last 2++ years...huhu...bye2 MEU. me and another colleague were transferred to other department due to the request from our new deparment's director. the first 3 weeks were very hard for us to adapt since we have to cope with 2 deparment's work & tender (restructuring yg tak terancang langsung...JD pon xde..haprak btol)...not mentioning location opis kat tingkat yg atas skali & xde lif..huwaaa!!!! kembang kempis lubang idung sementare nk sampai tuh. mmg komfem la senang nk besalin (insya-Allah)
2. breech positionig - last month's check up triggers me that i have to save more money if baby still in breech position time nk besalin nnt. la pusing, ibu simpan duit cukup2 je ni. nk claim company pon bukan dorang bayar full..itu pun kalau management baru x kacau medical benefit kitorang. tp management baru ni bagus dari segi i'm not that worried la. tomorrow is my 8th month's check up - hopefully baby dah pusing turun bawah so x de la ibu stress2 ye...
3. travelling - this past 2 months we travelled a lot (almost every weekend) & my feet swell faster than my previous pregnancy. up to next month we still need to travel to attend weddings - huwaa!!! ramai btol sedare mara nk kawen cuti sekolah ni. i will have 2 cousins' weddings on 1st july, i don't really think i could make it as my due date is just around the corner.
4. preparation - these few weeks i realized that i haven't really prepare to welcome the new baby on board...since it's going to be another baby boy so i don't have to worry on the clothing but still...i have bought few new garments for him - can't help it! i already have a long list of items to be purchased & hopefully i will have ample time to finish my shopping task before the arrival.
5. weight - every month mase nk check up misti takut nk naik weighing scale tuh. setiap bulan akan dgr nombor2 yg x disangka2...i gain a lot more than the first pregnancy. letih btol la kang nk turunkan balik (xtau la boleh turun ke x pon)..selulit2 yg 2 tahun lepas pon masih terkumpul & dah jd selulit senior utk selulit2 junior yg baru nk bermastautin kat badan aku nih
as of pishi...he has grown up so fast. dah byk kemahiran hidup die tau..termasuk la lagu ABC, kire 1-10 (mase naik tangge je), lagu twinkle2, lagu london bridge & beberape lagu cinta yg kitorang pon xtau bile mase die dgr & hapal. die pon dah tau nk dapat adik & every night he would ask me if he could touch my stomach & play with adik baby..xtau ler kalau dlm perut ni die mesra lagi..kang dah keluar die gigit pulak budak kecik tu.
takde lif la weh..takkan tande tangge. ko gile?
comel gile pishi! meh sini makcik nak dengar lagu cinta apa
saya doakan awak selamat bersalin dan dapat anak yg somel..
Bila dia dah besar tolong cerita kenangan langkawi pd dia.
ernie..menapak aku naik tangge hari2. dah la tu, sehari berape kali naik turun. opis aku kat LPO tender, tingkat atas skali..nk kene buat keje MEU, bawah LPO tender.
lagu cinte yg terbaru adelah lagu tema cite nora elena..haha..x boleh blah btol budak kecik nyanyi lagu cinte
saifudin : terima kasih atas doa awk. skarang awk boleh pilih menantu lelaki drp koleksi ank2 saye sbb due2 pon lelaki
finie! adik aku baru deliver and baby's breeched! maka haruslah c-sect.
all the best to u babe! aku doakan kau tenang ye walau apapon mode of delivery nanti, insyaAllah :D
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