guess who's birthday is it........hehe...inche' riki la (sorry da reveal your age here). anyway, we're still belia rite ?? (tshirt berkolar, kancing sume butang, tuck in baju & seluar slack ats pinggang, rambut belah tepi, poket blkg ade sikat kaler oren)
ok for inche' riki's birthday this year, i've cahooted with pishimen (yeah, rite. mcm la pishimen tau pe besday ayah die pastu xlame lg father's day) so 'we' decided to make it a combo celebration. so after all, only me have to do the shopping & preparation. as usual, pishimen as the boss is only supervising me (daa????)
the original plan is to have a surprise party for inche' riki on 12 midnight, 11th june but x jadi coz ngantok gile...tertido dgn pishimen. bile terbangun je dah kul 3 pagi (haruskah memotong kek lalu mendendangkan lagu birthday jam 3 pagi??? haruskah dimaki oleh jiran2??) so...have to go for plan B. so b4 heading to work while inche' riki bermain2 dgn air dlm bilik air, i rushed down to put his goody bag (full of presents..best..best) near his golla bag. after that act as usual to siap2 pegi keje & tuka pampers pishimen. tibe2 inche riki naik smule...hehe...misti die dah tgk goody bag die nih. kalo tidak misti bising 'cepat,cepat...dah lambat nk gi keje nih' tp kali ni die rilek je main sembang2 dgn pishimen yg tgh berdondek atas katil sambil pakai pampers. pas pishimen dah siap dressed then inche' riki cakap..'ok, dah siap. meh sini nk shium due2....tenkiu sgt2 igt b'day ayah'....hehe...i never 4get ok?
so yesterday balik awal nk ajak inche' riki dinner but xdpt nk rempit laju2 coz jerebu tebal. kul 6 pick up inche' riki & after that pick up pishimen pulak. pishimen mmg suke kalo gi alan2...tp mmg smlm die main air liur maksimum punyelah..sampai baju ibu die pon basah. tp pishimen baik, time makan die tido je so ibu & ayah bole makan dgn aman mcm mase becinte2 dlu...muahahhaha.
anyway...happy b'day inche' riki!!! tomorrow we'll go for our holiday ya...(ni pon present utk inche' riki jugak tp xmuat nk letak dlm goody bag die)
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