for the past 4+ months i've been enjoying my motherhood days especially during breastfeeding (bf) times. yup, i'm still bf ing my pishimen & will be continuing this at least until he's a year old. to all mothers out there, i hope you agree with me that the first two months are very challenging in order for us to succeed bf. fortunately i got all the support i needed from my ever loving inche' riki & family & friends & even my gynae & pishimen's paediatrician. kudos to you all out there.. i almost give up last time but i'm proud that i made it until now.
my case is quite interesting as pishimen was diagnosed with suspected breast milk jaundice since he's 7 days old. it's a rare case & nobody knows what triggers it yet but i do made my research through the net & i stick to this website : susuibu.com all the time for all the guides i needed to bf. you can refer to this article for breast milk jaundice ; http://susuibu.com/modules/articles/article.php?id=5 & it's a very straight forward article to understand.
as a first time mother, i encountered a lot of things pertaining bf such as :
1. stressful times to feed as feeding time is not regular. newborn baby usually wakes up at nite & feeds more at that time. 1 thing i learned is that i can express my milk during daytime, store it & at nite inche' riki can help me feeding the baby (if i happened to be sangat penat & moody la kan..)
2. when pishimen diagnosed with jaundice, i received lots of petua from people around (org2 kampung & yg xduduk di kampung) such as minum air gula batu, minum susu kambing, sengkuang cina..etc..etc...(baby just need to drink milk, y give them consume all these things?) very sorry to say but i dont believe all these petua (sbb yg kene makan ke minum ke mmg aku xcaye, kalo mende2 external tu aku bole la try. so korang selamatkan la ank korang dr kene minum mende2 ni sume, akan merosakkan perut baby & sbb kan die cirit birit). the reason why is, first: you need to understand what jaundice is. that's important!!!!!!!! last time, org tua2 don't know what triggers jaundice (they even say that jaundice comes with fever so jadi la demam kuning...jaundice mane demam beb!) so they try everything & often they got lucky that their baby's jaundice got rid off early. i only believe in jemur baby under the sun coz that's the only effective way to red blood cells containing fetal hemoglobin to be broken down and eliminated from the body. once pishimen was admitted, i cried & terkilan coz xdpt nk sunbathe pishimen (ibu dlm pantang xleh & one more thing, xde nye nk jd itam kalo kene jemur tuh..dok tepi tingkap pon jd la asalkan dpt matahari). lg satu, ibu xpaham ape kene mengena air gula batu ke susu kambing ke dgn jaundice???? does that helps??? lagi naik bilirubin ade la. so due to his jaundice i need to feed him with full time breast milk (exclusive) to fasten the elimination of bilirubin through his stool & urination.
2. when pishimen diagnosed with jaundice, i received lots of petua from people around (org2 kampung & yg xduduk di kampung) such as minum air gula batu, minum susu kambing, sengkuang cina..etc..etc...(baby just need to drink milk, y give them consume all these things?) very sorry to say but i dont believe all these petua (sbb yg kene makan ke minum ke mmg aku xcaye, kalo mende2 external tu aku bole la try. so korang selamatkan la ank korang dr kene minum mende2 ni sume, akan merosakkan perut baby & sbb kan die cirit birit). the reason why is, first: you need to understand what jaundice is. that's important!!!!!!!! last time, org tua2 don't know what triggers jaundice (they even say that jaundice comes with fever so jadi la demam kuning...jaundice mane demam beb!) so they try everything & often they got lucky that their baby's jaundice got rid off early. i only believe in jemur baby under the sun coz that's the only effective way to red blood cells containing fetal hemoglobin to be broken down and eliminated from the body. once pishimen was admitted, i cried & terkilan coz xdpt nk sunbathe pishimen (ibu dlm pantang xleh & one more thing, xde nye nk jd itam kalo kene jemur tuh..dok tepi tingkap pon jd la asalkan dpt matahari). lg satu, ibu xpaham ape kene mengena air gula batu ke susu kambing ke dgn jaundice???? does that helps??? lagi naik bilirubin ade la. so due to his jaundice i need to feed him with full time breast milk (exclusive) to fasten the elimination of bilirubin through his stool & urination.
3. i agree that mothers nowadays are being educated with bf goodness more than our mother's time (about 20 years ago) especially when going back to work. last time most mothers will stop bf when they're back to work as they're not used to express & store their milk (tgk pam susu pon dah pelik, siap tnye lg nk pakai cane & satu lagi, jgn berkire! pam yg bagus akan memberi hasil yg bagus & sile beli botol yg BPA free utk anak2 korang kalo xmo long term effects such as cancer). another reason is that if they stop bf at that time it'll be easier for them to do their daily chores & one more reason is org tue2 yg pesan.." ala, benti jela susu bdn tu. dah nk stat keje...nnt susah org nk jage. lg pon susah die nk benti nnt". my humble reaction is "biarlah,...org tue2 ni xmembace buku, xtgk tenet, dorang pon dpt nasihat drp mak2 dorang. lgpon ni ank aku, ikut suke la aku nk buat ape" (ckp dlm ati je, kalo ckp dpn org tue mampos nk kene terajang)
4. people nowadays must understand that researches are being done from time to time to educate mothers on bf. if last time government care givers (usually nurses) conduct classes to educate mothers on bf techniques, when to stop, when to start wean ur baby..etc..etc.. & i think now they still do. the thing is that they didn't explore more to update their knowledge. my mother once told me that they're advised to start wean baby from 4 months old..for me that's too early & professionals (paediatricians) will advice to start wean only at 6 moths old. u'll be hearing org2 tua will talk back to you.."ala, dlu2 aku start kasi makan time umo 3 bulan, xde pape pon, sihat je" (but u will never know bile dah besa nanti, ur child will be having problems like allergy, ulser perut ke apendiks ke...kan?kan?kan?..inche' riki kan?) but one thing for sure, i wont expose pishimen to all these risks. biasenye ibu2 ni kasi dorang punye ank mkn cpt sbb dorang ade perception yg ank dorang lapa (nangis pas minum susu) & nk kasi ank die tido lame sket. babies have their own sleeping schedule when they comes to their age so y force them to sleep more??? they need to explore & learn new things..baru la brain bole develop & jadi bijak!!! (doesn't mean kalau budak tu asik tido je pastu x ngamuk die ok (anak yg baik), misti ade sumthing wrong. babies at their early ages should be active not passive..kay? lagi satu kalau baby kite kecik & xmichelin sgt bukan bermakne x bagus, yg penting die sihat!
5. mothers who bf their baby will experience a wonderful bonding with their baby during bf. every day i can't wait to be at home to feed my baby, especially if really tensed kat ofis, balik je bf pishimen terus bole release stress...haha..best kan, therapy yg FOC!
5. mothers who bf their baby will experience a wonderful bonding with their baby during bf. every day i can't wait to be at home to feed my baby, especially if really tensed kat ofis, balik je bf pishimen terus bole release stress...haha..best kan, therapy yg FOC!
6. bf adelah suatu yg mulia..digalakkan dlm islam. to those yg anti bf, x believe in bf & x yakin dgn bf ni, ade satu je simple question utk korang...susu ibu tu kan ciptaan Allah, ciptaan Allah tu xde cacat cela nye...@ human milk is designed for milk & cow's milk is designed for cow (got it?). Human milk is a complete package of : water, vitamins, proteins, sterile, temperature & mother's love compared to cow's milk : no water (except water mase nk bancuh susu tu), vitamins, proteins (cow's protein tau!), sterile (only mase packing tp korang penah masuk ke dlm kilang susu (i did), mase nk bancuh susu tu sterile ke tgn korang?), temperature (reti ke nk sukat air ikut suhu badan manusia?), mother's love will definitely be zero!!!. one more bonus utk babies yg bf ni ialah they can feel their mother's emotion tau. they can tell mak nye tgh marah ke, sedih ke, tension ke, happy ke...Masya Allah, indahnye ciptaan Tuhan!
7. Last but not least, pls dont listen to people yg cakap 'susu awk x cukup la' or 'awk xde susu la'...those are myths!!!! the truth is, once u conceive --> u give birth ---> u'll definitely have milk!! sumenye bergantung pade teknik nk bf tu sendiri. mmg first time baby & the mother itself not used to bf, sumenye kene blaja & saba. it took me almost 2 months to master this skill, believe me..it's not easy. dgn sakitnye, penatnye..ngantoknye, tensennye dgr kritikan org lagi (biasenye org tue2 la suke kritik). tp kalo special case yg mmg Allah duge xde susu tu mmg xleh nk wat cane la kan..tp utk ibu2 yg sehat walafiat ni, jgn terpengaruh dgn ckp2 org until u're confirmed by a specialist (kalau dokter yg bukan specialist ke nurse ke susah gak nk caye, dorang suke main tembak je cakap) u can't produce milk..then baru la u can say that u dont have milk. recently i had a chat with a staffnurse at DEMC regarding bf & she confessed that even she worked in a hospital, doesn't mean she knows everything, there's a lot more she have to learn rather than just believe what people say. so remember, even if working in a hospital u wouldn't know everything!
kalau nk cite pasal bf ni sampai pishimen umo setaun pon xabes, everyday i will discover sumthing new about him & vice versa. to all mothers & mothers wannabe, marilah kite menyokong bf, do a lot of research & readings & ape yg penting ???? kene ikhlas, jgn mengeluh & niat misti betul...kalau org tue2 ckp tu (yg mitos2 je) jgn la melawan, the best is diam je, sabar & senyum (masuk telinge kiri kuar telinge kanan) like i always do...haha
ok..more links to explore :
Breastfeed a Toddler - Why on Earth http://susuibu.com/modules/articles/article.php?id=2
Maaf Nak, Ibu x cukup bersedia
Muslim Mom's Breastfeeding FAQ
or simply log on to http://susuibu.com
aku harus merefer blog ko ni nanti :)
aku pun aim nak exclusive bf anak aku. tp sama cam pishimen, awal2 lahir die jaundice. masuk wad 4 hari pastu dah kuar wad masih ada jaundice so doktor diagnose breastmilk jaundice. kena bg fm 3 hari then start bf hari ke 4. tp aku bg fm 2 hari je sbb kesian kt anak aku. die nk nenen tp aku sumbat fm. doktor ade suh ko stop bf sementara x mcm aku? kalo aku dah bg fm 2 hari, masih kira exclusive bf x?
ernie : harus refer! aku hanye penulis picisan saje..
zura : gynae aku mmg xsuruh stop lgsg, so mase pishimen dok dlm wad aku pon dok kat spital gak. each time die bgn aku akan nenenkan die, mmg letih. first day mmg aku x nenen kan die sbb susu xkuar lg & aku ade mslh inverted nipple. anyway, dokter aku ckp still exclusive coz after that dah x campo fm dah kan? maka aku anggap ko pon exclusive gak la..hehe
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