yesterday evening...nakal & bertenaga. sexy lagi

ok, pishimen is not feeling very well today. he got a bit temperature but still active as always. we went to see his paeds this morning & dr. koshy was very happy to see him. he didn't gain a lot but he's taller (referring to his height chart). but he's healthy & alert & cheeky...yup. that's the beauty of breastfeeding. he told me that he has no worry as long as i'm breastfeeding...your baby won't have serious health problem (at least as for now) & the skin is good as well. go pishimen !!!!
so today me & pishimen xdapat la nk ikut inche' riki main paintball. dok umah je sampai pishimen ok. actually temp die naik dlm 1.5 degrees je but still risau gak. maybe nk tumbuh gigi kot. usually siang die xtido lame but until now dah almost 1.5 hours die tido...yesss!!!!..dpt la aku surf net lame sket.
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