last week was the last weekend for the year 2009. it was the busiest weekend for me..(busy la sgt). on saturday, inche' riki gave me time off from pishimen. he took pishimen out to his office, pishimen behaved very very well & at around 1 pm inche' riki took pishimen to his friend's wedding. meanwhile me at home is getting ready with my cupcake ingredients as my buddy, miza is coming over to have a cupcake tutorial. as miza is bringing along his 1-year-old son together, so i prepared my ABC soup for his son, Arif & Pishimen, in case he's still hungry when he reach home.
miza arrived at around 2 pm...arif was asleep at that time so we go on to our project that afternoon without any obstacles...haha!!..when it was time to bake, pishimen arrived home & he was very happy to see abg arif is sleeping peacefully there & was like calling for him to get up..nak berkawan la tu. tapi abg arif tido lena i let pishimen play by himself first. almost half an hour after that arif is up & you know la..kalau dah ada 2 org hero kat rumah ni...mmg gamat! things are out of control for a while..
by 5pm, the cupcakes were done!! i packed some of the cakes & icing for miza to bring them home & have her own idea for the design..and they were fantastic!!
miza left our house at around 6pm, & i'm getting ready for our dinner as inche' riki invited uncle jul for dinner..we planned to cook around 4-5 dish - biasa kalau makan berdua dalam 3 dish je tapi dah excited nk ade guest ni masak banyak2 terus, misti abes punye. so for 2 hours (lamenye) i'm preparing for the 4 dishes - ayam masak merah, kurma daging, sayur campur & sotong + udang goreng bercili..kalo org dah pro misti masak kejap je sume2 nih, around 8 uncle jul pun sampai & mase tu pishimen dah ngantuk sgt dah - xtido siang, tahan mate sbb ade byk aktiviti. after bersandar kat bantal dunlop uncle jul, pishimen terus tido dgn nyenyaknye...yeayyy..kitorang makan dgn penuh aman & sentosa. uncle jul hangs out til 10.30pm & lepas tu i fall asleep, xtahan ngantok...kepenatan!!
the next day my parents pay a visit to our house & i made another cupcake mix for them...inche' riki told me that he would like the cake to be in a four inch souffle cup & he went out to buy the at home waiting while watching Twilight - xpenah tgk b4 this. once inche' riki arrived i made another cupcake mix for the new cups...this weekend alone i made 3 cupcake mixes....go cuppacakes!!!
29 December 2009
24 December 2009
sekolah saya
today PMR result is out, me reminding the day when i gave a call to my school to get my result - back in '97, i was in Penang. the whole day i kept myself inside my room, crying myself a river...sampai dah xde airmate dah nk kuar. it's not that i didn't get any As at all, i made my parents & family proud with 8As in my hands - except for 1 subject which is history - i scored a B for that...but no sweat. it's not that the whole world knew that i took 9 subjects for my PMR rite? so whenever people ask for my result, i'll straight away answer 8As, without mentioning the 1B...haha...for SPM, i got A1 for my history - to prove the world that i'm great in history even i didn't manage to finish 2 essays in my history's not that i didn't know the answer but i SLEPT towards the end of the exam.
the main thing here is that today i got a chance to be proud with my school & school teachers...i watched the nite news & saw my school's name as 1 of the best sekolah agama in Malaysia to excel in PMR. but i was like a bit confused as our school falls under sekolah agama category and there's another category for sekolah berasrama penuh. i would prefer my school to be categorised under sekolah berasrama penuh aliran agama - that's the correct word!! but @ no offence my personal thought is my school in it's 90's was waaay back excellent in terms of academic & sports. what i could say is that we're fully motivated & not pampered compared to current generation. there are more facility for them now so learning should be more convenient for them whether @ school or hostel. reality check!
saya sayang sekolah saya (dulu) sebab :
1. kat situ saya jumpa jodoh schoolmates will definitely agree with this statement as most of us - especially my batch are meant for each other. it's not that kitorang dok cintan2 time sekolah tu...nk cintan2 pon time kitorang da bejaye blaja kat menara gading (chewah) & dah masuk alam pekerjaan. kitorang pon da bejaye catat rekod utk sekolah kitorang 100% pangkat satu utk SPM...'99 YEZZA!!! inche' riki was a classmate of mine since we're at form 2, form 3 je lain kelas, form 4 & form 5 dah same balik.
2. kat situ saya belaja bahase arab a.k.a bahasa syurga a.k.a bahasa al-quran...i didn't attend any sekolah agama masa sekolah rendah as my dad can't afford to send 3 of us there. i entered my smap kajang with 0 bahasa arab knowledge. luckily i can write in jawi & my tulisan jawi cantik (perasan!!). i remembered the first day i attend school we were asked to write anything in arabic for them to determine us belong to which set (set 1 adalah utk yg terror Arab kay...tentulah mase tu aku set yg last skali). i just send empty paper with my name on it...and i just simply write 'bismillah'...that's it!...i need to struggle extra, extra hard for this & it was paid...i got an A for my PMR & A2 for my SPM.
3. kat situ saya belaja about life. xsemua org suke & dapat survive being a boarding school student for 5 years but saya suke & i bet my friends from my batch pun suke. i must say that it's not just about being independent, but being family, friends & sisters to each other. for those yg family dok jauh, we only have each other to hold on & for those yg family dok dekat, they'll share everything with us. it's not easy every weekend bile tengok luar tingkap nmpk kawan2 ade tetamu - family dorang dtg visit, sometimes bwk kuar outing...bole tangkap leleh jugak la mengenangkan nasib yg setaun sekali je kot family nk dtg visit sbb jauh. but i must say friends that i made during my schooldays are not just friends..they're lifetime friends. i'm proud of myself that i've gone through these 5 years with i could say my 2nd family & i can't replace those memories with anything.
4. kat situ saya belaja pakai tudung.....i remembered during my primary school days, the only time i pakai tudung is when we all have to berkabung coz ade royal family yg meninggal - can't remember who. itu pun beli tudung cotton 3segi kaler itam - main bantai ikat jek mcm mak itik tuh...mane reti nk pakai brooch2 bagai. oleh itu...mase masuk form 1 je...skil nk lipat/kelepet tudung tuh amatla lemah & tudung amat la karipap di zaman itu....dah la tudung labuh sebesar alam...
5. kat situ i learnt about my first period...i celebrated my first journey as a woman with my dormmates. haha...ingat lagi on the registration day my mom pesan kat kakak bwh katil saya to teach me how to wear my pad. it was quite sad not to have it with my mom around but i was very lucky to have such great dormmates to guide me throughout that journey.
6. kat situ saya belaja jadi survivor...being alone away from your family was such a survivor. you are in your early teenage years & need to be independent..sukar!! kalo cam blaja overseas tu bole terima la sebab da besa...umo da nk masuk dua puloh time tu...da bole jd mak org dah so xheran!! ni umo baru 13 dah nk kene buat segale2 sendiri..bli brg2 keperluan sendiri...kuar bandar sendiri...time tuh manede enpon lg kay..skang budak2 skolah simpan enpon sorang satu. pocket money pon bape inggit la sangat...i didn't go out for my recess since form 1 to form 5 at school canteen coz mknn kat situ kene baya...i need to save my pocket money. i would rather wait until pukul 1 to have lunch at dewan makan. tp kalo outing sakan ayam madu..mmg enjoy abes. abes simpanan 5 ari x recess kat kantin. i had my chicken pox when i'm in form 4..i didn't it was chicken pox until i heards from my mom that my 2 sisters kat rumah dah naik chickenpox so i bet the same with me coz time tu baru je balik from cuti raye. punye la sakit bdn & lemah & it took me 2 days to wait for my school to purchase my bus ticket balik penang. time tu muke da bintik2. bas kul 12 mlm, naik kat pudu lak tuh..van skola drop kat pudu kul 8 mlm..merayau2 la kt pudu tuh for 4 hours dgn imej bintik2 tuh tp first thing that i did was tuka baju dulu..xkuase nk pakai bj batik keras cam kotak tu lame2. before 12, i went down to platform....getting ready nk naik bas. i saw agroup of people there holding the same ticket as mine. terus pegi kat dorang turns out that our bus already left & kitorang dah xde bas. tuhan jela yg tau cemane pasaan time tuh dgn imej bintik2 sakit satu badan tuh. nasib baik ade 1 bas yg xbape penuh sudi nk tumpangkan kitorang - ade 10 of us mase tu & kitorang tepakse share seat..xkesah la. jnji sampai destinasi (penang tuh..jauh!). satu soalan yg paling aku xleh terima is that.."adik, muke adik teruknye tumbuh jerawat..ade penyakit ke??"..soklan tuh mmg xmampu aku jwb. aku igt lg org yg tnye tuh studen UTP..
7. kat situ saya blaja mcm2...daripada yg xtau boleh jadi tau..nk cite byk sgt...nk taip pon mau longgar jari nih.once i had a chat with a few colleagues, she didn't like her life at boarding school. too bad for her...i didn't blame the school but i would blame her..she should know how to enjoy herself there..i bet she can't manage things by herself.
itu saje sedikit sebanyak pasal sekolah saye...yg penting sekarang kitorang sume da jd org. da ade yg dpt phd..ramai yg keje as professionals..ramai yg sambung blaja to higher level..ramai yg dah ade family & life sendiri..ramai yg ade bisnes sndri...ade yg duduk abroad either keje or blaja...& ramai jugak yg menjawat jawatan paling mulia & best skali kat dunia ni = housewife. to housewives out there...i'll join the xtau la bile..huhu
the main thing here is that today i got a chance to be proud with my school & school teachers...i watched the nite news & saw my school's name as 1 of the best sekolah agama in Malaysia to excel in PMR. but i was like a bit confused as our school falls under sekolah agama category and there's another category for sekolah berasrama penuh. i would prefer my school to be categorised under sekolah berasrama penuh aliran agama - that's the correct word!! but @ no offence my personal thought is my school in it's 90's was waaay back excellent in terms of academic & sports. what i could say is that we're fully motivated & not pampered compared to current generation. there are more facility for them now so learning should be more convenient for them whether @ school or hostel. reality check!
saya sayang sekolah saya (dulu) sebab :
1. kat situ saya jumpa jodoh schoolmates will definitely agree with this statement as most of us - especially my batch are meant for each other. it's not that kitorang dok cintan2 time sekolah tu...nk cintan2 pon time kitorang da bejaye blaja kat menara gading (chewah) & dah masuk alam pekerjaan. kitorang pon da bejaye catat rekod utk sekolah kitorang 100% pangkat satu utk SPM...'99 YEZZA!!! inche' riki was a classmate of mine since we're at form 2, form 3 je lain kelas, form 4 & form 5 dah same balik.
2. kat situ saya belaja bahase arab a.k.a bahasa syurga a.k.a bahasa al-quran...i didn't attend any sekolah agama masa sekolah rendah as my dad can't afford to send 3 of us there. i entered my smap kajang with 0 bahasa arab knowledge. luckily i can write in jawi & my tulisan jawi cantik (perasan!!). i remembered the first day i attend school we were asked to write anything in arabic for them to determine us belong to which set (set 1 adalah utk yg terror Arab kay...tentulah mase tu aku set yg last skali). i just send empty paper with my name on it...and i just simply write 'bismillah'...that's it!...i need to struggle extra, extra hard for this & it was paid...i got an A for my PMR & A2 for my SPM.
3. kat situ saya belaja about life. xsemua org suke & dapat survive being a boarding school student for 5 years but saya suke & i bet my friends from my batch pun suke. i must say that it's not just about being independent, but being family, friends & sisters to each other. for those yg family dok jauh, we only have each other to hold on & for those yg family dok dekat, they'll share everything with us. it's not easy every weekend bile tengok luar tingkap nmpk kawan2 ade tetamu - family dorang dtg visit, sometimes bwk kuar outing...bole tangkap leleh jugak la mengenangkan nasib yg setaun sekali je kot family nk dtg visit sbb jauh. but i must say friends that i made during my schooldays are not just friends..they're lifetime friends. i'm proud of myself that i've gone through these 5 years with i could say my 2nd family & i can't replace those memories with anything.
4. kat situ saya belaja pakai tudung.....i remembered during my primary school days, the only time i pakai tudung is when we all have to berkabung coz ade royal family yg meninggal - can't remember who. itu pun beli tudung cotton 3segi kaler itam - main bantai ikat jek mcm mak itik tuh...mane reti nk pakai brooch2 bagai. oleh itu...mase masuk form 1 je...skil nk lipat/kelepet tudung tuh amatla lemah & tudung amat la karipap di zaman itu....dah la tudung labuh sebesar alam...
5. kat situ i learnt about my first period...i celebrated my first journey as a woman with my dormmates. haha...ingat lagi on the registration day my mom pesan kat kakak bwh katil saya to teach me how to wear my pad. it was quite sad not to have it with my mom around but i was very lucky to have such great dormmates to guide me throughout that journey.
6. kat situ saya belaja jadi survivor...being alone away from your family was such a survivor. you are in your early teenage years & need to be independent..sukar!! kalo cam blaja overseas tu bole terima la sebab da besa...umo da nk masuk dua puloh time tu...da bole jd mak org dah so xheran!! ni umo baru 13 dah nk kene buat segale2 sendiri..bli brg2 keperluan sendiri...kuar bandar sendiri...time tuh manede enpon lg kay..skang budak2 skolah simpan enpon sorang satu. pocket money pon bape inggit la sangat...i didn't go out for my recess since form 1 to form 5 at school canteen coz mknn kat situ kene baya...i need to save my pocket money. i would rather wait until pukul 1 to have lunch at dewan makan. tp kalo outing sakan ayam madu..mmg enjoy abes. abes simpanan 5 ari x recess kat kantin. i had my chicken pox when i'm in form 4..i didn't it was chicken pox until i heards from my mom that my 2 sisters kat rumah dah naik chickenpox so i bet the same with me coz time tu baru je balik from cuti raye. punye la sakit bdn & lemah & it took me 2 days to wait for my school to purchase my bus ticket balik penang. time tu muke da bintik2. bas kul 12 mlm, naik kat pudu lak tuh..van skola drop kat pudu kul 8 mlm..merayau2 la kt pudu tuh for 4 hours dgn imej bintik2 tuh tp first thing that i did was tuka baju dulu..xkuase nk pakai bj batik keras cam kotak tu lame2. before 12, i went down to platform....getting ready nk naik bas. i saw agroup of people there holding the same ticket as mine. terus pegi kat dorang turns out that our bus already left & kitorang dah xde bas. tuhan jela yg tau cemane pasaan time tuh dgn imej bintik2 sakit satu badan tuh. nasib baik ade 1 bas yg xbape penuh sudi nk tumpangkan kitorang - ade 10 of us mase tu & kitorang tepakse share seat..xkesah la. jnji sampai destinasi (penang tuh..jauh!). satu soalan yg paling aku xleh terima is that.."adik, muke adik teruknye tumbuh jerawat..ade penyakit ke??"..soklan tuh mmg xmampu aku jwb. aku igt lg org yg tnye tuh studen UTP..
7. kat situ saya blaja mcm2...daripada yg xtau boleh jadi tau..nk cite byk sgt...nk taip pon mau longgar jari nih.once i had a chat with a few colleagues, she didn't like her life at boarding school. too bad for her...i didn't blame the school but i would blame her..she should know how to enjoy herself there..i bet she can't manage things by herself.
itu saje sedikit sebanyak pasal sekolah saye...yg penting sekarang kitorang sume da jd org. da ade yg dpt phd..ramai yg keje as professionals..ramai yg sambung blaja to higher level..ramai yg dah ade family & life sendiri..ramai yg ade bisnes sndri...ade yg duduk abroad either keje or blaja...& ramai jugak yg menjawat jawatan paling mulia & best skali kat dunia ni = housewife. to housewives out there...i'll join the xtau la bile..huhu
22 December 2009
these 2 days i'm full-time babysitting pishimen on weekdays! i tot these 2 days i could do extra housework & cooking+baking since i'm taking leave but i'm extremely wrong!!!! the house is in a mess, pishimen keep throwing things here n there but the floor is squeaky clean = pishimen is the sweeper.he didn't sleep the whole day...grrr
tukang sepah 1
tukang sepah 2
last nite i managed to cook dinner for inche' riki, pishimen dah letih time tu but still xmo tido. at around 8pm, uncle jul called nak ajak lepak kat williams...aku ok jek sbb xmakan lagi. inche' riki dah makan tp kapasiti perut die xpenah penuh so die pon ok jugak. pishimen xde choice but to follow us - i made him wear his barney suit, in shocking pink & not forgetting, ade ekor!
barney 1
barney 2
when we arrived, uncle jul & uncle sam (sume nih kengkawan inche' riki yg 'kecil molek') dah sampai & made their order already. pishimen pulak dah lama lena since inche' riki stat enjin kete. i didn't snap any pics coz xmuat screen kamera..hahha -> inche'riki ni kwn2 die sume bertubuh sasa. once foods yg dorang oder tu dah sampai, lapa la pulak rasenye tp ade kerisauan yg kalau aku oder nnt makanan xabes pulak coz sumenye big portion. plus, aku baru jek oder ribena longan gelas besa...konfiden jek bole abes. tp, inche' riki da bejaye meyakinkan aku utk oder sbb katenye nk share so komfem bole abes nye. so kitorang pon oder roti naan-cheese-madu-butter & meatballs-mutton ball in gravy + mint sauce.2 dish okay..
bangun2 je pishimen da bedal uncle jul nye nasik goreng - xsedap katenye. so xpe la pishimen bole setelkan. kitorang lak sempat ngabiskan roti naan jek. lg satu dish tuh jul yg setelkan. mmg best ditambah pula dgn conversation yg sengal & suasana malam yg ditemani leh haiwan2 domestik (ade kucing lepak atas kusi sebelah inche' riki yg dah melepaskan hawa2 air liur die tepat kat kaki inche' riki)& angin kuat cam nk ujan. pishimen pulak enjoy sbb gadis2 dok melayan die & abes sume bende die nk masuk dlm mulut except for tissue, pandai pulak die koyak kecik2 & buat sampah kat situ.
kitorang gerak balik at around 10.30 sbb nk kencing xtahan - minum air gelas besar kan...perut mmg bloated terlebih muatan but before heading to bed sempat lg layan papadom jap. pishimen mmg btol2 penat & needs rest as tomorrow die nk kene buli ibu die lagi.
XOXO : pishimen suke tengok cucu betong
tukang sepah 1
tukang sepah 2
last nite i managed to cook dinner for inche' riki, pishimen dah letih time tu but still xmo tido. at around 8pm, uncle jul called nak ajak lepak kat williams...aku ok jek sbb xmakan lagi. inche' riki dah makan tp kapasiti perut die xpenah penuh so die pon ok jugak. pishimen xde choice but to follow us - i made him wear his barney suit, in shocking pink & not forgetting, ade ekor!
barney 1
barney 2
when we arrived, uncle jul & uncle sam (sume nih kengkawan inche' riki yg 'kecil molek') dah sampai & made their order already. pishimen pulak dah lama lena since inche' riki stat enjin kete. i didn't snap any pics coz xmuat screen kamera..hahha -> inche'riki ni kwn2 die sume bertubuh sasa. once foods yg dorang oder tu dah sampai, lapa la pulak rasenye tp ade kerisauan yg kalau aku oder nnt makanan xabes pulak coz sumenye big portion. plus, aku baru jek oder ribena longan gelas besa...konfiden jek bole abes. tp, inche' riki da bejaye meyakinkan aku utk oder sbb katenye nk share so komfem bole abes nye. so kitorang pon oder roti naan-cheese-madu-butter & meatballs-mutton ball in gravy + mint sauce.2 dish okay..
bangun2 je pishimen da bedal uncle jul nye nasik goreng - xsedap katenye. so xpe la pishimen bole setelkan. kitorang lak sempat ngabiskan roti naan jek. lg satu dish tuh jul yg setelkan. mmg best ditambah pula dgn conversation yg sengal & suasana malam yg ditemani leh haiwan2 domestik (ade kucing lepak atas kusi sebelah inche' riki yg dah melepaskan hawa2 air liur die tepat kat kaki inche' riki)& angin kuat cam nk ujan. pishimen pulak enjoy sbb gadis2 dok melayan die & abes sume bende die nk masuk dlm mulut except for tissue, pandai pulak die koyak kecik2 & buat sampah kat situ.
kitorang gerak balik at around 10.30 sbb nk kencing xtahan - minum air gelas besar kan...perut mmg bloated terlebih muatan but before heading to bed sempat lg layan papadom jap. pishimen mmg btol2 penat & needs rest as tomorrow die nk kene buli ibu die lagi.
XOXO : pishimen suke tengok cucu betong
18 December 2009
reality bites
heyya cuppacake!
my first ever cupcake project was a success. my 2 hours free-from-pishimen were used wisely to produce 2 dozens of those cuties (aku makan je dah sedozen kot). thanks to kak aida yg bawak buku resipi utk dicopet, bawak gi kedai bakery utk aku beli segala bagai tools yg patut. aku akan teruskan sambungan projek ni mggu depan - cuti sampai 2 hari, bole jadi sengal kalo x wat aktiviti2 kewanitaan nih. 2 dozen cupcake nih aku akan bawak & wat persembahan utk pihak berkuase sok bersempena keberangkatan pulang kitorang ke kampung inche' riki.
renungan manje dan menggoda pishimen. baik budak ni arini..
15 December 2009
quote of the day
10 December 2009
Y.E.H - Year End Holiday
09 December 2009
pertemuan sohabat2
05 December 2009
03 December 2009
how are you feeling today?
today = me = kenny
1. today it rains heavily
2. today makes me sleepy
3. today makes me blue
4. today inche' riki is coming home - kinda happy
5. today i'm kinda hungry too...
6. today i'm hoping for appreciation
7. by the end of the day, i'm tired, happy & sad at the same time.
note : crying my heart out
the end of kenny
01 December 2009
away...once more
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