miza arrived at around 2 pm...arif was asleep at that time so we go on to our project that afternoon without any obstacles...haha!!..when it was time to bake, pishimen arrived home & he was very happy to see abg arif is sleeping peacefully there & was like calling for him to get up..nak berkawan la tu. tapi abg arif tido lena sangat...so i let pishimen play by himself first. almost half an hour after that arif is up & you know la..kalau dah ada 2 org hero kat rumah ni...mmg gamat! things are out of control for a while..

by 5pm, the cupcakes were done!! i packed some of the cakes & icing for miza to bring them home & have her own idea for the design..and they were fantastic!!

miza left our house at around 6pm, & i'm getting ready for our dinner as inche' riki invited uncle jul for dinner..we planned to cook around 4-5 dish - biasa kalau makan berdua dalam 3 dish je tapi dah excited nk ade guest ni masak banyak2 terus, misti abes punye. so for 2 hours (lamenye) i'm preparing for the 4 dishes - ayam masak merah, kurma daging, sayur campur & sotong + udang goreng bercili..kalo org dah pro misti masak kejap je sume2 nih, around 8 uncle jul pun sampai & mase tu pishimen dah ngantuk sgt dah - xtido siang, tahan mate sbb ade byk aktiviti. after bersandar kat bantal dunlop uncle jul, pishimen terus tido dgn nyenyaknye...yeayyy..kitorang makan dgn penuh aman & sentosa. uncle jul hangs out til 10.30pm & lepas tu i fall asleep, xtahan ngantok...kepenatan!!
the next day my parents pay a visit to our house & i made another cupcake mix for them...inche' riki told me that he would like the cake to be in a four inch souffle cup & he went out to buy the cup...me at home waiting while watching Twilight - xpenah tgk b4 this. once inche' riki arrived i made another cupcake mix for the new cups...this weekend alone i made 3 cupcake mixes....go cuppacakes!!!
wah taktau lak aku ko buka kelas cupcake ni..aku pun berminat! (kalo la bangi dan shah alam tu dekat)
haha...xde nye aku terer sgt pon. saje je aku nk dera miza soh dtg umah aku. kak aida lah ni bawak buku cupcake kat ofis, aku pon terjebak. skang ni every weekend wat kek jek, jenuh budak2 laki kat umah aku ni nk kene makan
nak sebijik..tak kira..tak kira..! :D
supaya aku xperlu depend kepada wondermilk..hehehe.. :D :D
weh..buruk gile design cupcake aku...tu aku main blasah je tenyeh..xpe,aku akan mdalami ilmu cupcake ni lg..dan akan cube hasilkan yg superb supaye ko bleh bbangge dpt anak murid cam aku
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