haven't blog for a while..it's already the 6th day today - my 2nd day of work for 2010. i didn't have a good start in terms of :
1. time management - still arrive late at work (2 minutes..3 minutes late). having traffic problems near uitm area, studen da ramai kaye2, sume gi klas nk naik kete..i wonder cane dorang nk paking kat dlm tuh. tah2 lecturer pon xdek parking space. kat traffic light je dah waste 15 minutes..rugi tau!!
2. health - having fever+vomit+diarrhea+lethargy for the pass 4 days..semalam was like the peak of it..xlarat even nk bejalan pon..rase kepale lutut sengal2, whole body shivering, otak pon xleh bepikir dgn waras (yg tu slalu je kot) & tgh drive tibe2 nmpk mcm black spot..toingg!!! sara pon admitted on the 1st january due to high fever..sian die..tp smlm da discharge..syukur!
3. financial - agak goyang sementare menunggu gaji yg seterusnye...haha...ni sume sbb gaji december dpt awal. so up to the next payday, harus makan makanan berkhasiat yg xbrape nk luxury sgt. but alhamdulillah..the previous weeks almost everyday ade family & friends yg blanje makan & kitorang pon ade invite them over to our house jugak...kalau org suke dtg umah kite kan murah rezeki...kan?..kan?..kan?..
4. spirit - haha..new year spirit & resolution mmg xde langsung. no motivation!!
5. pishimen - looking forward for his first b'day, the coming 20th Jan. xlame dah pishimen..xsangke sekejap je dah besa budak nih. da byk progres die tunjuk, tu pon lepas gertak & ugut die macam2 baru die kuarkan bakat die. skang dah pandai nk imitate org nye gesture, pandai clap hands, tegur org in his baby language, dah bole sebut ibu & ayah, wan pon da bole sebut sket, bukak suar sendiri, bukak pampers, joget dgn kakak sara, kuar drp walker, menyepahkan seluruh rumah..isk..mcm2 la
6. work - no comment. keje xpenah habis..so just go with the flow. layan je prangai sape2 yg sengal (kadang2 org pon rase kite ni sengal jugak, so jgn prasan yg kite ni best sgt!)looking forward to pursue my studies..tgh pikir nk amik course ape, kalo sambung amik scholar jpa nnt kene keje dgn dorang...argh... tidak!!!!! aritu terjumpe offer letter jpa scholarship for my degree & ade clause yg upon graduation i will be bonded with them for like 4/5 years...tp....dorang xigt dah ke???
in summary - this year is going to be better than the previous years..(xde motivation jugak)
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