19 January 2010


this entry is dedicated to pishimen. 1 is your number tomorrow (saje ibu wat entry awal)


*it's your first b'day!!!!
*i'm still breastfeeding him...good for you!
*u didn't develop any serious illness..fever..bla2..(cume dlu hospitalized due to jaundice & ade sket2 infection..sume tuh minor2 jek. go pishimen!!!)
*had your first teeth!!
*had your first word!!
*develop your own personality...sgt menghiburkan!!


Ernie Khairina said...

happy birthday handsome boy!

Empayar Digital said...

Kalau pishimen nak tau.. saya cuma tua sehari dari pishimen.. pishimen tolong panggil saya abang walau pun saya kawan ibu.. nanti kita sekolah sesamer..(ada harapan aku culik dia)

ama said...

pishimen, aunty wish you lifetime of joy and happiness..happy birthday!

selipa_oren said...

aunty2 & angkel sume...mekasih..mekasih..

Daisypath Anniversary tickers