courtesy of mummy (my eldest sis)

courtesy of ki (my dad)

courtesy of ayah (inche' riki)
pishimen celebrated his very 1st b'day with 2 cakes & dozen of donuts!!!...those were to satisfy our sweet tooth. it took me almost a week to do this entry. i really do not have much time these days & my mind keep thinking of new ideas to be written in this very much dedicated blog of mine

nmpk pishimen malu2 & xmengerti nape org2 dewasa sekeliling die syok sendiri nyanyi2, amik gamba & potong kek. mungkinkah???...pishimen xdapat membuat sebarang tekaan ape yang telah berlaku lalu mencucukkan jari mungilnye ke dalam salah satu kek...good job.
since i am a first-time-mother-who-celebrated-his-son's-birthday, i really look forward for today (i meant the 20th of jan). feeling very-very thankful to God's greatest gift to our little family, pishimen never fail to cheer us up & motivated us to be the best parents for him. we didn't plan for a b'day party yet now but maybe when he's older, say at 2 or 3 years old then InsyaAllah..we will have to think about that..haha.
waiting for his b'day is almost the same as remembering the birth moment, the labour pain, the i-don't-know-how-to-push feeling, the moment where inche' riki never fail to be by my side, holding my hands tight, reminding me to always remember HIM & keep on praying, the moment when i thought i was gone (tibe2 je pandangan menjadi gelap, but still breathing), the moment when inche' riki azan kan his son, bla...bla..bla..(korang dah bosan ke??)..all those moments adalah sangat berharga & up till now still xboleh nk lupe (x tau la kot 10, 15 taun lg x ingat dah ke).
Pishimen, ibu is very proud of you. Even more proud bile kene inject pishimen x nangis pon. siap bole acah2 dokter lagi. Dr. Koshy is really fond of him & we liked him too. when pishimen was hospitalized due to his jaundice, he really took care of my helpless baby..sian pishimen. but Alhamdulillah..now pishimen have grown up as a strong & healthy 1 year old young man..hehe..(save my medication expenses).
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