there's a wedding coming around the corner..yeay!!..& it's my lil sis's wedding i'm talking about. clock is ticking, only 4 days to go for the ceremonies to be taken place. we're soooo busy for the preparations & today i got my blood pressure checked & it was low!!...maybe due to lack of sleep..pishimen too slalu kacau ibu tido. last weekend my siblings & my in law were at my house creating havoc (haha..yg tu pishimen & kakak sara yg buat), we're packing the door gifts...almost 90% finished..ade sikit je lagi nk buat. last night pishimen helped me to distribute to sweets to be packed for kids..pandai ank ibu tolong. mule2 die ikut arahan, lame2 die dah boring & start baling sweets tu merate2. teringat pulak time my wedding dlu kawan2 dtg tolong..huhu..amar, nanin, wanie & kawan2 yg dtg mase my wedding tuh...i terharu..auww!!! for kawan2 yg xdpt dtg, misti u all ade reason for not coming kan, so no hard feelings laa...
back to my sister's wedding, i would like to invite u all, if you all terhappen to be in KL on that day. the details are as follows :

i'm very excited for the wedding planner to install the pelamin as the pelamin that we chose is the that he won for the 'Kerja Kahwin' exhibition somewhere in 2008. he'll be doing the pelamins both at home & at PULAPOL. can't tell you more until the exact day of the wedding. pishimen & sara are the busiest person on earth for this wedding. sara kept asking her mak teh, 'mak teh nak kawen ke?'... i'll be taking leave for a few days as my house desperately need a spring cleaning, as well as my mom' until my next entry, enjoy the pics!

dapat upah makan kat sushi king..pau 'kerajaan' cukup2

keje kuat, bepeluh sakan sampai kene bukak baju

pencuci kipas

mat & minah kacau
muka adalah sgt adik beradik
finie, aku br terjumpa ko nye blog. cis, kenapa aku tak tau!
hehe. sudah add ko di senarai blog aku..
kemar : haha..xpe ko kan baru stat blogging balik..
cepatla upload gambar baby2kegemaran aku....
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