gamba yg dicilok dr blog org lain
just came back from i-city, since pishimen was not in his best mood (mengamuk sambil melentik2 kan badan) we brought him 'jalan jalan tengok lampu' near ibu's workplace. this is the 2nd time we went there & i didn't snap any picture of the infamous lights there. since ramai gile org dok amik gamba kat situ so i didn't have the feeling to snap any pics there (bole cilok gamba org lain je). it's a fun place to be coz org ramai sgt kat situ, sume2 pon nk amik gamba so me & ince' riki got a lot of activities to be done there such as :
* interfrem kat blkg bile ade org dah posing nk amik gamba dgn muke pure2 xtau
* kritik aksi2 makcik & pakcik nk begambar dgn panda & binatang2 lain yg lip lap2 kat situ
* seronok dgr soalan2 yg budak kecik tnye kat mak dorang pasal lampu2 yg ade kat situ. contoh :
BUDAK : misti susah kan mak nak buat lampu2 camni?
MAK BUDAK : isk, xsusah..kalau tau cara misti boleh buat
BUDAK : dorang buat macamana ni mak..misti die kene lukis atas kertas banyak2 kali baru boleh buat kan?
(pastuh aku xsanggup lg nk dgr pendapat budak & mak budak nih...)
on the way back, pishimen hugged me tight & i thought he must be very2 sleepy & tired & it's true...he slept all the way back to our house & he's still sleeping right beside me while i'm blogging here. ok pishimen, next time kite dtg lagi ajak sumorang dtg skali, kite ambik gamba ramai2 misti seronok!!

close up

budak kecik yg kepenatan nangis dlm kete
tolong kecikkan sikit kangkangan anda bila tido.. nanti masuk angin.
basket, die pakai pampers..lgpon die blom sunat
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