pishimen started coughing since dawn. inche' riki decided to take a day off to bring pishimen to see his paeds, dr. koshy. i went to work as usual as last week i've took two days off to take care of him. at around 10 am, inche' riki called & told me that pishimen's lung has already flooded with phlegm. he has to take nebulizers for an interval of 6 hours.
inche' riki took another day off to take pishimen for his nebulizer session. eventhough i went to work as usual but i managed to take my time off to follow inche' riki for pishimen's neb session. pishimen behaved himself during the 4 sessions & became favorite among the nurses as according to them it's very hard for kids at his age to stood still during neb session..go pishimen!
24.3.2010 i was on MC. pishimen went to the nursery & seems very happy to see his friends there. at around 8pm, his temperature raised up to 38 degrees. after taking his med & putting on kool fever + playing session up to 3 hours non-stop...his temperature dropped to 36 degrees.
pishimen's temperature raised up to 38.4 degrees at around 5 am. he can't sleep & crid the whole morning. we are getting ready to meet his paeds & as a preparation i've started packing for his clothes in case he's admitted. after a session with dr. koshy, pishimen was advised to be admitted so that his temperature & neb session can be monitored frequently. unfortunately, rooms are full & we have to wait till 5pm to get a room. i was entitled to a single bedded room but none are available,so we have to take 3 bedded room.

+tgn berbalut sbb kene inject antibiotik dlm blood stream trus...cpt sket sehat+ pishimen's diagnosis was : viral infection. according to his paeds, it's a condition almost the same as H1N1 attack, but a different strain/mutated virus genes.
that night he can't sleep well as he's not really comfortable of his own condition, 3 hours interval of neb session & as we're in 3 bedded room, it's quite a hassle there.
pishimen wakes up quite early. after his paeds visited him, he went for a physio session. during physio session, his back was rubbed & a suction tube was put inside his throat so that the phlegms can come out easily. i was not allowed to enter the room during physio session but i cold hear his cry from outside the room..sgt sedih!..his neb session continues with an interval of 3 hours.

+lepas physio session yg sgt mengerikan+
i started to feel unwell - sore throat, coughing & flu...my god..cane nk jage ank nih kalo sendiri pon dah kong..
at last! we managed to get single bedded room. pishimen was very happy crawling + walking around and yet, another physio session & 3 hours interval of nebs.he started to react positively towards his meds given & started to get his appetite back. the last 2 days he just drink plain water & breastmilk but today he started consuming biscuits, bread + formula. we also supported earth hour ok! hehe..last night pishimen slept well his neb session interval were adjusted to 4 hours interval.

+tuan besar+

+dah tau mask tu utk ape+
waiting for dr.koshy telling us good news..fingers crossed!
*dr. verughese koshy is a consultant paediatrician @ demc, shah alam. he wrote lots of articles in magazines such as Mami & baby, Seri Dewi Keluarga, Ma&Pa, etc.. & guest panel for MHI, Breakfast @ 7, etc..