this is my new obsession 'IPANEMA GISELE BUNDCHEN - LIMITED EDITION'..bukan susah pon nk jd supermodel kan???
last nite was my first shopping therapy...& i'm loving it!!! at first planning to buy new perfume as my estee lauder is getting lesser & lesser + pishimen dah reti nk picit2 botol tu. jalan..jalan...jalan...sampai kat RSH & come across these lovely collections of sandals & flip-flops...(yummy...slurpppp)...terus masuk & try2. mule2 nk amik flip flop inspired by sea shells yg kaler fink tp bile pusing blkg je ade byk lg design. inche' riki nmpk yg mcm dlm pic kat atas tuh so die ckp 'yg ni cantik, x tipu'..so bile dah suami ckp cenggitu i quickly find my size & put it on the counter. yg bestnye lg dpt this free shopping bag..hehe...amat seswai utk hari sabtu bersoping

with gisele bundchen's name on it, bangge kan???
hehe...and as for pishimen pulak, skarang ni die xleh tgk beg2 yg bertali..misti nk sangkut kat leher...tasbih ke rantai ke..sume nye sangkut kat leher..

aksi2 sangkut & xreti kuarkan balik..keadaan sekeliling mmg bersepah sbb budak ni dah pandai nk punggah2 brg.
jd kawan2....bole consider utk bli ipanema pulak. sememangnye aku mmg gile limited edition!!!!
the sandals are pretty stunning!
but fini, rasenyer to be a supermodel, u need the height! hehehehe.. just kidding! u're fine the way you are, pretty and sweet like always! PLUS u have bruce willis and bruce willis jr, u don't need to be like gisele.. hehehe..
ni ke yg digembar gemburkan ? hehe..aku nak cari kasut tutup actually..yg selesa.. sbb kene pakai suit (pakaian boring) , tak kene la sandal..
nanin : berangan nk jd supermodel je walopon physical package xdek...huahuahua..
fizah : disebabkan ko kene pakai pakaian boring tuh maka kasut2 getah ni x seswai la utk ko..harus mencari kasut2 kulit yg berjenama mahal2
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