yesterday, having lunch with my parents @ pavillion. of course pishimen & inche' riki ikut skali..after that we went to Braun Buffel as my dad wanted to buy a b'day gift for my sis (bday da lepas, on 2nd may). my dad have signed up as a member with Braun Buffel so every purchase he will be entitled for 10% discount. as we were choosing the bags for my sis, a very nice one...tibe2 my dad told me..'choose one for your b'day as well'...owh...begitu terharu skali & i answered in my most angelic tone 'xpayah la..dah banyak handbag' mom can't stand my stupid answer & dengan pantas nye menjawab 'bodoh kau ni org dah offer amik je la'..dan dengan pantasnye i pointed to the bag yg mmg dok usya drp tadi. not as big as my sis but really nice, saya suka!!!
as we were waiting for the bags to be packed in boxes, pishimen acted a bit cranky..he was very happy running here & there but when he started to grab the items on display & we were trying to stop them he started to throw his tantrum at us. he shouted & cried to the top of his lungs (owh, malunye berkelakuan begitu di shoping komplex org kaye2)...i can't stand it so i gave him a small pinch on his hand (aku bukan ibu yg kejam!). after that we went straight to the car & as soon as the air cond was on, he fell asleep (nk tido rupenye...sia2 je kene cubit).
and as for the surprise, inche' riki also surprises me with a gift box from Estee...(aku amat perlukan perfume kini)...ok, xde la surprise sgt coz i chose it myself but surprise coz die yg nk's a pre-b'day gift as i'm expecting something bigger for my real b'day present, kan bang???

kotak2 yg hanye boleh dibukak after mother's day nnt

here comes the monster
fini, sila tunjuk beg nya
la ko ni..tayang la skit..kami perlukan 'feed' gak huhu
hehe..nnt aku cari gamba dlm website.punye la patuh aku sampai xbrani nk bukak kotak tu lagi
saya suka bakal menantu saya.. semakin hensem dan gagah!! I double like..
ahaha..komen saifudin ni kelakar la..
btw, spt mana permintaan fizah n ernie, i want to see that bag too ;)
cantik nih,, mesti cantik... s you better put the pic here... soon!!!
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