alhamdulillah this year once again i had the chance to celebrate mother's day with my mom as a daughter & with my son as a mother!! just now, while blogging pishimen was asleep for the past 2 hours, he suddenly reached out his hands to hug me & continue to sleep...(i'm deeply touched)
p/s : yesterday we all penat sgt coz pegi cuci umah baru my parents & pishimen was very tired as die dah tawaf the whole rumah sampai die pengsan & becakap2 dlm tido.
i do know one person who will be very very very sad celebrating mother's day with her mother in a deep coma. she is a second cousin of mine and her mother have been in coma since last week. relatively, her mother is my mum's cousin but we are very close to each other as we live nearby & i sent pishimen to her nursery. it was very devastating knowing her battling with her brain tumor & had a series of surgery since last march, after she attended my sis's wedding.
knowing her, she's very calm, energetic, warm, bubbly and never fails to visit my mum whenever she passed by. she's also very active in outdoor activities and a black belt holder in taekwondo. Last week we visited her at the neurosurgery ICU,HKL. there are only 5 beds in there & each patient are allowed to have 2 patients at one time. the visiting time is very limited & we could only spend at least 2-3 minutes in there with her. before my turn, i could see her daughter from beyond the door talking & lying her head beside her mother. she had tears from the moment she entered the room until she leaves the room. i saw her father hugged her & they both cried. my god...i was about to burst into tears but i told myself to hold on first. then, it's me & my sis's turn to enter the room. my sis went in first & i followed her behind. my sis started talking while holding her hands when i stepped in. as i lay my eyes on her, i couldn't help myself but to burst into tears...i sobbed while reciting Al-Fatihah to her. i have a few words with her & i saw tears coming out from her eyes. she heard us....Subhanallah!!!....i kissed her cheek & wave her goodbye (i forgot that she can't see me)
guys, things in ICU are so not the same as what we saw in tv. this is my first experience & hopefully i wouldn't need to visit anyone in ICU anymore after this. as for today, my aunt is recovering & not 100% depending on the machine anymore.
back to my mother's day story..as i'm having a double celebration with my b'day..haha...things are great. i'll update my b'day news on the next entry with all the pics kay!
happy mother's day to all mommies out there! muahhsss
babe, my prayers are with her..amin..
thanks babe..xoxo
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