as for sewing, i've been helping my mother with her cross stitch since i was 9, so i'm getting used with the feeling of x-sabar-taun-bile-la-nak-siap-ni for almost 19 years (now you know my age). now that i already have my own sewing machine, the urge to sew is at the highest peak now - hari2 kat ofis kalau ada free time walaupon 10menet akan surf ke blog2 yg berunsurkan jahitan & crafts. owh..sungguh kegilaan & i think it's a very good hobby since inche' riki slalu pegi outstesen & keje ari sabtu ke ahad ke suke ati die je la now inche' riki agak aman sket sbb i already have my own toy.

sebelum ade mesen jait, ini la mainan saye (besepahnye rumah aku)

pandainye mainan ni buat muke
current project, i called it project qysara - since she requested to have the same selimut as pishimen so i'm working on something for her, in PINK. it's not going to be exactly the same as pishimen's but with the same function. this morning i sttarted to do cutting & piecing & managed to complete a block!...xsukar buat block ni as long as kita SABAR (tu la yg paling susah)..i completed a block in 30 minutes & for this project, i needed at least 5 more blocks. i can't tell how the final product will look like as i'm a creative & innovative person (perasan) - idea can come & go anytime (sebenanye, kain xcukup lagi - tggu gaji baru bole beli)

walopon niat nk buat warna pink sume tp cam boring je...campo2 kaler jugak
soon after i finished the block, i went to the kitchen to make some snack. as i'm cutting the bread sides, i still haven't decided what to do. i took out the garlic & herb spread - ok, maybe i'm gonna do some garlic bread. then i opened the refrigerator, i saw pishimen's cheese & took out a slice. then, hey..why not coat it in egg & fry it in butter - mungkin akan rase sedap. so the end product is = garlic spread + cheese (dikepit di celah2 2 keping roti) + celup telur + panaskan butter dalam pan + goreng. rupe die xde la cantik mane tp bau wangi & sedap sbb ade cheese kat tgh. see, xsusah jd creative kan?

don't judge a book by its cover...rase die sedap (pishimen sendiri yg cakap)