30 December 2010

it has been..

12 weeks n counting...

1. i didn't update my blog for a long time ever since the last entry (which i copy & paste only)

2. i didn't surf any websites/blog & didn't have the time to even read online newspaper

3. facebooking once in a while through my Samsung..didn't have much time to reply to the comments

4. rarely cook..but inche' riki volunteered himself to..i love his cooking

5. haven't touch my sewing machine..huhu..i do visit him once in a while but i just couldn't sew right now

6. haven't snap any new pics of pishi & sara...but once in a while i did remember to snap some..

saat2 sebelum pergaduhan bermula - part 1

saat2 sebelum pergaduhan bermula - part 2

7. working till late hours + saturday + sunday...(mcm nk muntah je)

8. last 2 weeks pishi was admitted again (3rd time this year)..kali ni lagi challenging sbb die dah terer nk mengganaz each time nk masukkan antibiotik, neb, amik bp...grr...tido pon x cukup..penat wooo

balut dua2 tgn utk elakkan keganasan melampaui batas

xberape berpuas hati dgn balutan tgn

+_+ can't wait to finish this first trimester...huhu


傻鱼 said...

2nd baby on the way??


selipa_oren said...

saulin : yup..tengah mabuk ni

Ernie Khairina said...

boleh tak tahu ko pregnant?
syafini jahat


Nurhafizah Fauzi said...

fini, congrats! tak tahu juga ko pregnen

faiehoney said...

fini congrats, week 16 nnti heavan dah haha

selipa_oren said...

ernie & fizah : aku segan le nk bgtau..lgpon mmg sgt2 bizi dgn keje a few months back ni..thanks anyway

faie : nape aku rase lambat lg nk 16 weeks tuh? cepat la sket!!!

Ernie Khairina said...

weh takde segan2nye..proud mummy! yey anak ko mesti comel..cam pishi ngan kakak sara =)

faiehoney said...

finie, nak tggu week 16 tu mmg seksa
tp nk smpi week 30 mcm sekelip mate
aku da 33 weeks....padehal mcm baru smlam week 17...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers