23 February 2011


i've been delaying my time to update this blog..got no mood to blog at all...coz sgt2 busy kat office so balik rumah macam x ingin nk tgk laptop dah + mabuk2 yg dah berakhir kire2 3 mggu yg lepas. approaching 5th month, nothing much to update except for tonnes of work at the office & at home (especially lipat baju...fuhh..), not forgetting nk kene kejar pishimen sane sini & layan die besembang + bace buku.

since pishimen dah masuk 2 taun ++..he's developed so fast that i can simply ask him about what he's doing at the nursery everyday. that includes if he did pukul or cubit anybody kat nursery...that's the joy & challenge of having a son..haha..for the past 3 weeks i've been listening to stories that he will cakar, pukul or cubit anyone yg try to grab toys from him but yesterday was a big surprise...

pishimen : ibu...iyah..iyah..(insyirah - name sorang budak pompuan kat nursery die)
ibu : nape dgn iyah?
pishimen : toyak (tolak)
ibu : sape yg kene tolak?
pishimen : ayish
ibu : tolak macam mane
pishimen : (menunjukkan care cemane die kene tolak..dgn penuh perasaan & bunyi)
ibu : ayish nangis tak?
pishimen : nangis
ibu : banyak ke sikit?
pishimen : sikit je...
ibu : good. tu la, sape suruh ayish pukul iyah semalam..kan iyah dah balas balik.lain kali jgn pukul budak pompuan..x baik.
pishimen : ok ibu..

another update is on the new addition to the family...my cute little nephew. haha..dah byk dah anak sedare ni rupenye. this year alone je akan dpt 3..sorang dah keluar..ade lagi 2 org ank sedare coming soon. maybe yg 2 org tu girl kot..both are inche' riki's in law. mine will be out in mid July..Insya-Allah.

my sewing progress..during my 1st trimester I hardly touch my machine. i just helped my sister to sew swaddle cloth for his baby & I'm struggling to finish Sara's quilt skarang dah masuk quilting stage..pasni wat binding pastuh siap!! sian die..tggu drp taun lepas lagi x siap2..haha. xtau la rajin ke x nk jait pape utk baby baru ni...the main reason for me to not sewing is xde meja yg sesuai so x comfortable nk menjahit..haha...alasan!!

guess i will just post some pics after this..mood utk malas blogging dah mule datang..

my chubby nephew....kejap je dah tembam budak ni

pishi the menace

shopping for his b'day treat..with my dad


傻鱼 said...

u got girl this time??

congrates again..


selipa_oren said...

don't know yet..hopefully. but i will get 2 nieces soon...

hikmah said...

finie, masa aku kecik, rambut aku jua dipotong begitu..

adakah semua kanak2 mendapat nasib yg sama?

ada masa nant aku upload dkt blog ;)

selipa_oren said...


nasib kanak2 mmg begitu
bile kite menjadi ibu bapa..stail rambut yg paling bernas adelah stail cendawan..

sile upload utk membuat perbandingan

Daisypath Anniversary tickers