in my 27++ years of age (kantoi la pulak aku bape taun), this is the first time i came across this medical term.i bet all of u pon baru first time heard about it. unfortunately the first time i heard it from pishimen's paeds, dr. koshy who diagnosed pishimen as having it - sian pishimen.
we've noticed the white patches on his tongue since a few months back. i thought it was ulcer but he never seems to show signs that the patches are painful. everything seems so normal so i have a 2nd thought that it's not ulcer at all. the white patches always changes colour to red & keep moving it's location. we can't wait for dr. koshy to brief us on the diagnosis, without any sample taken he could straight away tell us on the nature of it. eventhough i was a microbiology student, i never learnt bout this disease & when i go back to read through my text book i can't find anything like it. in a way i'm relieved that this is not caused by fungus, microbes or virus.
i've done my study on this & until now nobody know what triggers this condition. i would prefer to use the word condition rather than disease as this is confirmed as not a disease at all. worldwide, only about 3% of people are affected of it & pishimen was 1 of it (agak2 nye dorang kire x pishimen mase wat statistik tuh). would like to share with you an article bout this condition :
as for me, i'm looking at it on a bright side. geographic means more like a map to me. since he was 3 months old, he have been travelling all around the country with us & until he's 1 years old he has gone to most of the states. tinggal lagi sabah & sarawak je x sampai lagi. so pishimen, ibu harap with the geographic tongue 'luck' of yours can bring you further all around the world & remember only 3% of world population je yg ada this thing tau...MasyaAllah..& u're the chosen one.
p/s : banyak sangat rupenye keindahan kuasa Tuhan yang kite xtau & explore lagi..
29 January 2010
28 January 2010
what the ...???

inche' riki menuju ke kaunter nike seraya berkata..'oh no...anak aku lagi bergaye drp aku'...soklan terkumpul utk mggu ini.."adekah inche' riki bergaye???"

b'day gift from ayah. kecik2 lagi dah merase pakai kasut puas ati sbb tahan lame. zaman aku kecik2 dlu kasut cap bubblegummers (tu kire abes style dah tu) tak pon cap bata...nk rase hebat lagi beli kasut cap siam sbb buatan luar negara (mase tu kempen beli barangan buatan m'sia x launch lagi)
27 January 2010
Application to Bikini Bottom
Dear Spongebob Squarepants & friends,
We really hope that you & your friends could accept us as a new addition to Bikini Bottom community. We are a big fan of you & we are really dedicated to look like one of you. These are some of the evidence :

As you can see, we are really happy in your outfit. I would like to join Bikini Bottom as I would like to taste the delicious Crabby Patty, prepared by you (please don't put Mr. Plankton in them as I think I'm allergic to it). I'm also a big fan of Mr. Plankton & that's why I asked my hairdresser to have my hair done as below :

I really hope that you will accept & we can play together at Bikini Bottom. Looking forward for your favorable reply soon. Don't tell my parents that I'm applying to stay with you as my Ibu will be very sad & angry with me. I don't want her to be a crazy woman shouting my name & talk craps with my Ayah. My Ayah also will be very sad if he knew about this letter. He can't sleep at night without me in the middle. I really hope you can keep this as a secret between us (nak kene titis darah x?)
Please reply as soon as possible.
Mmuahh (flying kiss).Love from both of us..XOXO,
PiShImEn & QySAra
We really hope that you & your friends could accept us as a new addition to Bikini Bottom community. We are a big fan of you & we are really dedicated to look like one of you. These are some of the evidence :

As you can see, we are really happy in your outfit. I would like to join Bikini Bottom as I would like to taste the delicious Crabby Patty, prepared by you (please don't put Mr. Plankton in them as I think I'm allergic to it). I'm also a big fan of Mr. Plankton & that's why I asked my hairdresser to have my hair done as below :

I really hope that you will accept & we can play together at Bikini Bottom. Looking forward for your favorable reply soon. Don't tell my parents that I'm applying to stay with you as my Ibu will be very sad & angry with me. I don't want her to be a crazy woman shouting my name & talk craps with my Ayah. My Ayah also will be very sad if he knew about this letter. He can't sleep at night without me in the middle. I really hope you can keep this as a secret between us (nak kene titis darah x?)
Please reply as soon as possible.
Mmuahh (flying kiss).Love from both of us..XOXO,
PiShImEn & QySAra
25 January 2010
corat-coret di hari jadi

courtesy of mummy (my eldest sis)

courtesy of ki (my dad)

courtesy of ayah (inche' riki)
pishimen celebrated his very 1st b'day with 2 cakes & dozen of donuts!!!...those were to satisfy our sweet tooth. it took me almost a week to do this entry. i really do not have much time these days & my mind keep thinking of new ideas to be written in this very much dedicated blog of mine

nmpk pishimen malu2 & xmengerti nape org2 dewasa sekeliling die syok sendiri nyanyi2, amik gamba & potong kek. mungkinkah???...pishimen xdapat membuat sebarang tekaan ape yang telah berlaku lalu mencucukkan jari mungilnye ke dalam salah satu kek...good job.
since i am a first-time-mother-who-celebrated-his-son's-birthday, i really look forward for today (i meant the 20th of jan). feeling very-very thankful to God's greatest gift to our little family, pishimen never fail to cheer us up & motivated us to be the best parents for him. we didn't plan for a b'day party yet now but maybe when he's older, say at 2 or 3 years old then InsyaAllah..we will have to think about that..haha.
waiting for his b'day is almost the same as remembering the birth moment, the labour pain, the i-don't-know-how-to-push feeling, the moment where inche' riki never fail to be by my side, holding my hands tight, reminding me to always remember HIM & keep on praying, the moment when i thought i was gone (tibe2 je pandangan menjadi gelap, but still breathing), the moment when inche' riki azan kan his son, bla...bla..bla..(korang dah bosan ke??)..all those moments adalah sangat berharga & up till now still xboleh nk lupe (x tau la kot 10, 15 taun lg x ingat dah ke).
Pishimen, ibu is very proud of you. Even more proud bile kene inject pishimen x nangis pon. siap bole acah2 dokter lagi. Dr. Koshy is really fond of him & we liked him too. when pishimen was hospitalized due to his jaundice, he really took care of my helpless baby..sian pishimen. but pishimen have grown up as a strong & healthy 1 year old young man..hehe..(save my medication expenses).
19 January 2010

this entry is dedicated to pishimen. 1 is your number tomorrow (saje ibu wat entry awal)
*it's your first b'day!!!!
*i'm still breastfeeding him...good for you!
*u didn't develop any serious illness..fever..bla2..(cume dlu hospitalized due to jaundice & ade sket2 infection..sume tuh minor2 jek. go pishimen!!!)
*had your first teeth!!
*had your first word!!
*develop your own personality...sgt menghiburkan!!
16 January 2010
mari menutup aurat...
13 January 2010
anak bapak
06 January 2010
pishi pishi in action
2010 start entry
haven't blog for a's already the 6th day today - my 2nd day of work for 2010. i didn't have a good start in terms of :
1. time management - still arrive late at work (2 minutes..3 minutes late). having traffic problems near uitm area, studen da ramai kaye2, sume gi klas nk naik kete..i wonder cane dorang nk paking kat dlm tuh. tah2 lecturer pon xdek parking space. kat traffic light je dah waste 15 minutes..rugi tau!!
2. health - having fever+vomit+diarrhea+lethargy for the pass 4 days..semalam was like the peak of it..xlarat even nk bejalan pon..rase kepale lutut sengal2, whole body shivering, otak pon xleh bepikir dgn waras (yg tu slalu je kot) & tgh drive tibe2 nmpk mcm black spot..toingg!!! sara pon admitted on the 1st january due to high fever..sian smlm da discharge..syukur!
3. financial - agak goyang sementare menunggu gaji yg sume sbb gaji december dpt awal. so up to the next payday, harus makan makanan berkhasiat yg xbrape nk luxury sgt. but alhamdulillah..the previous weeks almost everyday ade family & friends yg blanje makan & kitorang pon ade invite them over to our house jugak...kalau org suke dtg umah kite kan murah rezeki...kan?..kan?..kan?..
4. spirit - year spirit & resolution mmg xde langsung. no motivation!!
5. pishimen - looking forward for his first b'day, the coming 20th Jan. xlame dah pishimen..xsangke sekejap je dah besa budak nih. da byk progres die tunjuk, tu pon lepas gertak & ugut die macam2 baru die kuarkan bakat die. skang dah pandai nk imitate org nye gesture, pandai clap hands, tegur org in his baby language, dah bole sebut ibu & ayah, wan pon da bole sebut sket, bukak suar sendiri, bukak pampers, joget dgn kakak sara, kuar drp walker, menyepahkan seluruh rumah..isk..mcm2 la
6. work - no comment. keje xpenah just go with the flow. layan je prangai sape2 yg sengal (kadang2 org pon rase kite ni sengal jugak, so jgn prasan yg kite ni best sgt!)looking forward to pursue my studies..tgh pikir nk amik course ape, kalo sambung amik scholar jpa nnt kene keje dgn dorang...argh... tidak!!!!! aritu terjumpe offer letter jpa scholarship for my degree & ade clause yg upon graduation i will be bonded with them for like 4/5 xigt dah ke???
in summary - this year is going to be better than the previous years..(xde motivation jugak)
1. time management - still arrive late at work (2 minutes..3 minutes late). having traffic problems near uitm area, studen da ramai kaye2, sume gi klas nk naik kete..i wonder cane dorang nk paking kat dlm tuh. tah2 lecturer pon xdek parking space. kat traffic light je dah waste 15 minutes..rugi tau!!
2. health - having fever+vomit+diarrhea+lethargy for the pass 4 days..semalam was like the peak of it..xlarat even nk bejalan pon..rase kepale lutut sengal2, whole body shivering, otak pon xleh bepikir dgn waras (yg tu slalu je kot) & tgh drive tibe2 nmpk mcm black spot..toingg!!! sara pon admitted on the 1st january due to high fever..sian smlm da discharge..syukur!
3. financial - agak goyang sementare menunggu gaji yg sume sbb gaji december dpt awal. so up to the next payday, harus makan makanan berkhasiat yg xbrape nk luxury sgt. but alhamdulillah..the previous weeks almost everyday ade family & friends yg blanje makan & kitorang pon ade invite them over to our house jugak...kalau org suke dtg umah kite kan murah rezeki...kan?..kan?..kan?..
4. spirit - year spirit & resolution mmg xde langsung. no motivation!!
5. pishimen - looking forward for his first b'day, the coming 20th Jan. xlame dah pishimen..xsangke sekejap je dah besa budak nih. da byk progres die tunjuk, tu pon lepas gertak & ugut die macam2 baru die kuarkan bakat die. skang dah pandai nk imitate org nye gesture, pandai clap hands, tegur org in his baby language, dah bole sebut ibu & ayah, wan pon da bole sebut sket, bukak suar sendiri, bukak pampers, joget dgn kakak sara, kuar drp walker, menyepahkan seluruh rumah..isk..mcm2 la
6. work - no comment. keje xpenah just go with the flow. layan je prangai sape2 yg sengal (kadang2 org pon rase kite ni sengal jugak, so jgn prasan yg kite ni best sgt!)looking forward to pursue my studies..tgh pikir nk amik course ape, kalo sambung amik scholar jpa nnt kene keje dgn dorang...argh... tidak!!!!! aritu terjumpe offer letter jpa scholarship for my degree & ade clause yg upon graduation i will be bonded with them for like 4/5 xigt dah ke???
in summary - this year is going to be better than the previous years..(xde motivation jugak)
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