20 May 2010
Allah, The Most Merciful
*from a colleague; via email :
“The merciful are shown mercy by the All-Merciful. Have mercy to those on earth, and the Lord of the Heavens will have mercy upon you.”
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «الراحمون يرحمهم الرحمن، ارحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء
(Abu Dawud & Tirmidhi)
The sweetness of Al-Fatiha
As we discussed before, Al-Fatiha is a conversation between us and Allah subhana wa ta’ala (Glory be unto Him). It is perhaps when reciting this surah (chapter) that we should have the most khushoo’ (concentration) because we have been told that Allah (swt) responds. What usually happens though is that Surat al-Fatiha is the surah that we have least khushoo’ in because we repeat it so frequently, and this should change.
If we look at the order of the words in this surah, we ask ourselves: why did Allah (swt) follow the first ayah (verse) “[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds” with Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem “The Entirely Merciful, The Especially Merciful”? Ibn Uthaymeen stated that this is because Allah’s Lordship is based on mercy. When we read that He is the Lord of the worlds, a natural question comes up- what kind of Lord is He? He answers us in the following ayah:
“The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful” (Qur’an 1:3).
The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful
Many people who read Surat al-Fatiha will not know the difference between Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem. It is usually translated as “The Beneficent, the Most Merciful,” but most people who read that do not know the difference. A better translation would be “The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.”
Amr Khaled, a famous lecturer from Egypt, explained the difference in the following way:
Ar-Rahman (The Entirely Merciful) is when Allah bestows His mercy upon all the creatures in this universe. Allah says:
“Say, “Who can protect you at night or by day from the Most Merciful?” But they are, from the remembrance of their Lord, turning away” (Qur’an 21:42).
However, Ar-Raheem (The Especially Merciful) is when Allah bestows His special mercy upon the believers only. For example, eating and drinking is a general mercy, while worshiping Allah in Ramadan is a special one.
And why did Allah follow Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem with “Sovereign of the Day of Recompense”? If it had been the other way around, our hearts would fill with dread. We would read that Allah is the Lord, and then that He will judge us on the Day of Judgment, knowing very well our own spiritual state. Yet the All-Merciful tells us of His attributes of mercy first, so that we fill with hope and not dread. The All-Merciful is the Sovereign on that day.
Glimpses of Mercy
Look at what the Prophet (ﷺ) said about Allah’s mercy:
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him): “Some Sabi (i.e. war prisoners, children and women only) were brought before the Prophet (ﷺ) and behold, there was a woman amongst them whom whenever she found a child captive, she took it over her chest and nursed it (she had lost her child but later she found him) the Prophet (ﷺ) said to us, ‘Do you think that this lady can throw her son in the fire?’ We replied, ‘No, if she has the power not to throw the baby (in the fire).’ The Prophet (ﷺ) then said, ‘Allah (swt) is more merciful to His slaves than this lady to her son.’” (Bukhari)
So we have immense hope in Allah’s forgiveness, forbearance, and mercy on the Day of Judgment. Yet we too have to work and remember that Allah has said:
“But indeed, I am the Perpetual Forgiver of whoever repents and believes and does righteousness and then continues in guidance” (Qur’an 20:82).
Will we be of the people whom Allah (swt) bestows His mercy on? We hope so, insha’Allah (if Allah wills), and that is why we must work- to show that we indeed want it.
Do you remember the secret key? Speak to Allah (swt). When you recite Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, remember that Allah (swt) responds with “My servant has extolled me.” Let your heart soften with the knowledge that you are having an intimate conversation with the One who is the Most-Merciful to you.
“The merciful are shown mercy by the All-Merciful. Have mercy to those on earth, and the Lord of the Heavens will have mercy upon you.”
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «الراحمون يرحمهم الرحمن، ارحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء
(Abu Dawud & Tirmidhi)
The sweetness of Al-Fatiha
As we discussed before, Al-Fatiha is a conversation between us and Allah subhana wa ta’ala (Glory be unto Him). It is perhaps when reciting this surah (chapter) that we should have the most khushoo’ (concentration) because we have been told that Allah (swt) responds. What usually happens though is that Surat al-Fatiha is the surah that we have least khushoo’ in because we repeat it so frequently, and this should change.
If we look at the order of the words in this surah, we ask ourselves: why did Allah (swt) follow the first ayah (verse) “[All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds” with Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem “The Entirely Merciful, The Especially Merciful”? Ibn Uthaymeen stated that this is because Allah’s Lordship is based on mercy. When we read that He is the Lord of the worlds, a natural question comes up- what kind of Lord is He? He answers us in the following ayah:
“The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful” (Qur’an 1:3).
The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful
Many people who read Surat al-Fatiha will not know the difference between Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem. It is usually translated as “The Beneficent, the Most Merciful,” but most people who read that do not know the difference. A better translation would be “The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.”
Amr Khaled, a famous lecturer from Egypt, explained the difference in the following way:
Ar-Rahman (The Entirely Merciful) is when Allah bestows His mercy upon all the creatures in this universe. Allah says:
“Say, “Who can protect you at night or by day from the Most Merciful?” But they are, from the remembrance of their Lord, turning away” (Qur’an 21:42).
However, Ar-Raheem (The Especially Merciful) is when Allah bestows His special mercy upon the believers only. For example, eating and drinking is a general mercy, while worshiping Allah in Ramadan is a special one.
And why did Allah follow Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem with “Sovereign of the Day of Recompense”? If it had been the other way around, our hearts would fill with dread. We would read that Allah is the Lord, and then that He will judge us on the Day of Judgment, knowing very well our own spiritual state. Yet the All-Merciful tells us of His attributes of mercy first, so that we fill with hope and not dread. The All-Merciful is the Sovereign on that day.
Glimpses of Mercy
Look at what the Prophet (ﷺ) said about Allah’s mercy:
Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him): “Some Sabi (i.e. war prisoners, children and women only) were brought before the Prophet (ﷺ) and behold, there was a woman amongst them whom whenever she found a child captive, she took it over her chest and nursed it (she had lost her child but later she found him) the Prophet (ﷺ) said to us, ‘Do you think that this lady can throw her son in the fire?’ We replied, ‘No, if she has the power not to throw the baby (in the fire).’ The Prophet (ﷺ) then said, ‘Allah (swt) is more merciful to His slaves than this lady to her son.’” (Bukhari)
So we have immense hope in Allah’s forgiveness, forbearance, and mercy on the Day of Judgment. Yet we too have to work and remember that Allah has said:
“But indeed, I am the Perpetual Forgiver of whoever repents and believes and does righteousness and then continues in guidance” (Qur’an 20:82).
Will we be of the people whom Allah (swt) bestows His mercy on? We hope so, insha’Allah (if Allah wills), and that is why we must work- to show that we indeed want it.
Do you remember the secret key? Speak to Allah (swt). When you recite Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, remember that Allah (swt) responds with “My servant has extolled me.” Let your heart soften with the knowledge that you are having an intimate conversation with the One who is the Most-Merciful to you.
15 May 2010
reality bites
1. on pyramid scheme a.k.a MLM - got this from one of my favorite blogs. tot it would be nice if i could share it wif u
*piramid itu firaun yg punya...
*harta yg byk itu qarun yg punya...
*dan kedua2 nya masuk neraka
p/s : tepuk dada tanya selera...jgn jadi hamba duit & dunia
2. on sabar
we went for a dinner date wif jul @ piza uno. the conversation goes :
pishimen : nak, nak,...(nangis2, jerit2 sket...cube utk jd menjengkelkan)
selipa oren : (meninggikan suara kunun2 utk membuat pishimen rase gerun)
jul : haa...x sabar btol. same macam mak nye (ayat ni ditujukan utk pishimen)
selipa oren : jul, kalo aku ni sabar, ape je yg aku dpt? cube ko ckp kat aku...org saba dpt ape???
jul : IMAN!!...(dgn gaye islamik & cube memerli aku sebagai studen skolah agama)
selipa oren : ni aku dah dpt IMAN..ni ha farish iman
jul : (ternganga & kagum dgn kebijaksanaan selipa oren buat seketika...)
inche' riki : (selaku pengadil..senyum je sbb biasenye die xkuase nk masuk campo kalo ade pertarungan antare selipa oren dgn jul)
*jul claimed that he's the stylist
p/s : ucapan takziah kepada jul atas pemergian laptopnye yg dibiarkan tanpe belas kasihan atas passenger's seat dlm kete nye semase kami mkn mlm semase berlakunye perbualan di atas. tingkap keretanye dipecahkan oleh pencopet lantas mengambil beg laptopnye. jul tidak keruan lalu memakai selipa lain sebelah ke balai pulis & selipa tersebut bukan berwarna oren
*piramid itu firaun yg punya...
*harta yg byk itu qarun yg punya...
*dan kedua2 nya masuk neraka
p/s : tepuk dada tanya selera...jgn jadi hamba duit & dunia
2. on sabar
we went for a dinner date wif jul @ piza uno. the conversation goes :
pishimen : nak, nak,...(nangis2, jerit2 sket...cube utk jd menjengkelkan)
selipa oren : (meninggikan suara kunun2 utk membuat pishimen rase gerun)
jul : haa...x sabar btol. same macam mak nye (ayat ni ditujukan utk pishimen)
selipa oren : jul, kalo aku ni sabar, ape je yg aku dpt? cube ko ckp kat aku...org saba dpt ape???
jul : IMAN!!...(dgn gaye islamik & cube memerli aku sebagai studen skolah agama)
selipa oren : ni aku dah dpt IMAN..ni ha farish iman
jul : (ternganga & kagum dgn kebijaksanaan selipa oren buat seketika...)
inche' riki : (selaku pengadil..senyum je sbb biasenye die xkuase nk masuk campo kalo ade pertarungan antare selipa oren dgn jul)
*jul claimed that he's the stylist
p/s : ucapan takziah kepada jul atas pemergian laptopnye yg dibiarkan tanpe belas kasihan atas passenger's seat dlm kete nye semase kami mkn mlm semase berlakunye perbualan di atas. tingkap keretanye dipecahkan oleh pencopet lantas mengambil beg laptopnye. jul tidak keruan lalu memakai selipa lain sebelah ke balai pulis & selipa tersebut bukan berwarna oren
make it picturesque!
it's mom's b'day & mother's day
mom is very proud of her new BB (BraunBuffel je bukan BlackBerry)
i tot i'd be a good model for her new BB...watch me in pink mom!
very comfy on my shoulder mom
can put lot if things in here mom..my diapers too!
i can sling it as well
can i keep it mom?
it's dad's plan to bring mom to TGIF for a late lunch
it's dad's treat this time
me & mom are eating for free. i choose this one!
mom said it's her off day so i have to kemas my stuffs & put them in my new tiger box
after a hard day's work...
08 May 2010
this mother's day
alhamdulillah this year once again i had the chance to celebrate mother's day with my mom as a daughter & with my son as a mother!! just now, while blogging pishimen was asleep for the past 2 hours, he suddenly reached out his hands to hug me & continue to sleep...(i'm deeply touched)
p/s : yesterday we all penat sgt coz pegi cuci umah baru my parents & pishimen was very tired as die dah tawaf the whole rumah sampai die pengsan & becakap2 dlm tido.
i do know one person who will be very very very sad celebrating mother's day with her mother in a deep coma. she is a second cousin of mine and her mother have been in coma since last week. relatively, her mother is my mum's cousin but we are very close to each other as we live nearby & i sent pishimen to her nursery. it was very devastating knowing her battling with her brain tumor & had a series of surgery since last march, after she attended my sis's wedding.
knowing her, she's very calm, energetic, warm, bubbly and never fails to visit my mum whenever she passed by. she's also very active in outdoor activities and a black belt holder in taekwondo. Last week we visited her at the neurosurgery ICU,HKL. there are only 5 beds in there & each patient are allowed to have 2 patients at one time. the visiting time is very limited & we could only spend at least 2-3 minutes in there with her. before my turn, i could see her daughter from beyond the door talking & lying her head beside her mother. she had tears from the moment she entered the room until she leaves the room. i saw her father hugged her & they both cried. my god...i was about to burst into tears but i told myself to hold on first. then, it's me & my sis's turn to enter the room. my sis went in first & i followed her behind. my sis started talking while holding her hands when i stepped in. as i lay my eyes on her, i couldn't help myself but to burst into tears...i sobbed while reciting Al-Fatihah to her. i have a few words with her & i saw tears coming out from her eyes. she heard us....Subhanallah!!!....i kissed her cheek & wave her goodbye (i forgot that she can't see me)
guys, things in ICU are so not the same as what we saw in tv. this is my first experience & hopefully i wouldn't need to visit anyone in ICU anymore after this. as for today, my aunt is recovering & not 100% depending on the machine anymore.
back to my mother's day story..as i'm having a double celebration with my b'day..haha...things are great. i'll update my b'day news on the next entry with all the pics kay!
happy mother's day to all mommies out there! muahhsss
04 May 2010
i love surprises..
i love surprises when it comes to real surprises such as presents...money...hahaha..surprise yg lain x suke kay...(tibe2 nk dtg tido umah x bagitau sejam lebih awal, tibe2 nk pinjam kete la hape bagai, tibe2 nk ni, nk tu..grrr...)
yesterday, having lunch with my parents @ pavillion. of course pishimen & inche' riki ikut skali..after that we went to Braun Buffel as my dad wanted to buy a b'day gift for my sis (bday da lepas, on 2nd may). my dad have signed up as a member with Braun Buffel so every purchase he will be entitled for 10% discount. as we were choosing the bags for my sis, a very nice one...tibe2 my dad told me..'choose one for your b'day as well'...owh...begitu terharu skali & i answered in my most angelic tone 'xpayah la..dah banyak handbag'..my mom can't stand my stupid answer & dengan pantas nye menjawab 'bodoh kau ni org dah offer amik je la'..dan dengan pantasnye i pointed to the bag yg mmg dok usya drp tadi. not as big as my sis but really nice, saya suka!!!
as we were waiting for the bags to be packed in boxes, pishimen acted a bit cranky..he was very happy running here & there but when he started to grab the items on display & we were trying to stop them he started to throw his tantrum at us. he shouted & cried to the top of his lungs (owh, malunye berkelakuan begitu di shoping komplex org kaye2)...i can't stand it so i gave him a small pinch on his hand (aku bukan ibu yg kejam!). after that we went straight to the car & as soon as the air cond was on, he fell asleep (nk tido rupenye...sia2 je kene cubit).
and as for the surprise, inche' riki also surprises me with a gift box from Estee...(aku amat perlukan perfume kini)...ok, xde la surprise sgt coz i chose it myself but surprise coz die yg nk baya..it's a pre-b'day gift as i'm expecting something bigger for my real b'day present, kan bang???
kotak2 yg hanye boleh dibukak after mother's day nnt
here comes the monster
yesterday, having lunch with my parents @ pavillion. of course pishimen & inche' riki ikut skali..after that we went to Braun Buffel as my dad wanted to buy a b'day gift for my sis (bday da lepas, on 2nd may). my dad have signed up as a member with Braun Buffel so every purchase he will be entitled for 10% discount. as we were choosing the bags for my sis, a very nice one...tibe2 my dad told me..'choose one for your b'day as well'...owh...begitu terharu skali & i answered in my most angelic tone 'xpayah la..dah banyak handbag'..my mom can't stand my stupid answer & dengan pantas nye menjawab 'bodoh kau ni org dah offer amik je la'..dan dengan pantasnye i pointed to the bag yg mmg dok usya drp tadi. not as big as my sis but really nice, saya suka!!!
as we were waiting for the bags to be packed in boxes, pishimen acted a bit cranky..he was very happy running here & there but when he started to grab the items on display & we were trying to stop them he started to throw his tantrum at us. he shouted & cried to the top of his lungs (owh, malunye berkelakuan begitu di shoping komplex org kaye2)...i can't stand it so i gave him a small pinch on his hand (aku bukan ibu yg kejam!). after that we went straight to the car & as soon as the air cond was on, he fell asleep (nk tido rupenye...sia2 je kene cubit).
and as for the surprise, inche' riki also surprises me with a gift box from Estee...(aku amat perlukan perfume kini)...ok, xde la surprise sgt coz i chose it myself but surprise coz die yg nk baya..it's a pre-b'day gift as i'm expecting something bigger for my real b'day present, kan bang???
kotak2 yg hanye boleh dibukak after mother's day nnt
here comes the monster
01 May 2010
make me a supermodel
this is my new obsession 'IPANEMA GISELE BUNDCHEN - LIMITED EDITION'..bukan susah pon nk jd supermodel kan???
last nite was my first shopping therapy...& i'm loving it!!! at first planning to buy new perfume as my estee lauder is getting lesser & lesser + pishimen dah reti nk picit2 botol tu. jalan..jalan...jalan...sampai kat RSH & come across these lovely collections of sandals & flip-flops...(yummy...slurpppp)...terus masuk & try2. mule2 nk amik flip flop inspired by sea shells yg kaler fink tp bile pusing blkg je ade byk lg design. inche' riki nmpk yg mcm dlm pic kat atas tuh so die ckp 'yg ni cantik, x tipu'..so bile dah suami ckp cenggitu i quickly find my size & put it on the counter. yg bestnye lg dpt this free shopping bag..hehe...amat seswai utk hari sabtu bersoping
with gisele bundchen's name on it, bangge kan???
hehe...and as for pishimen pulak, skarang ni die xleh tgk beg2 yg bertali..misti nk sangkut kat leher...tasbih ke rantai ke..sume nye sangkut kat leher..
aksi2 sangkut & xreti kuarkan balik..keadaan sekeliling mmg bersepah sbb budak ni dah pandai nk punggah2 brg.
jd kawan2....bole consider utk bli ipanema pulak. sememangnye aku mmg gile limited edition!!!!
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