29 June 2009

pishimen balik tampum

ok...that was kakak sara punye bahase la. kampung jadi tampum. so last week pishimen balik kampung tok wan & opah die kat selama. this time ktorang balik ramai2 skali dgn my parents & my brother coz its musim duriannnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on the way to selama singgah kat ipoh jap nk lunch kat restoran favorite, 1919. hehe..ktorg singgah jusco dlu so my parents da siap2 oder & dorang da mkn dlu. ktorg sampai jek 1919 tuh, dorang da nk abes mkn so me & inche' riki berusaha keras utk menghabiskan lauk2 yg penuh semeja tuh (senang je!). tibe2 rase cam ade sumthing yg kurang, oo...x oder ayam telo masin rupenye (pergh, mmg bes ayam nih). my brother pon pggl la waitress tuh nk tmbh oder satu lg, tibe2 die gelak & tanye "bole abes ke?" my mum pon gelak jugak die cakap "ala, bwk je dulu...komfem abes punye" ---> diorang ni meragui bakat kitorang makan rupenye & at last mmg btol, 7 lauk sumenye abes....slurpppp!!!!

after dat we continue our journey to selama..sungguh la sleepy & lenguh sbb pishimen tido atas my lap for about 2 hours. we reached inche' riki's kampung at 4pm & terus makan durian. dat nite pishimen got temperature sket, nk kate demam cam tak je tp bdn die suam aa. pas kitorang kasi panadol tuh terus die menjerit kegembiraan & berdondek (misti die nk mkn panadol je nih)

the next day we travel back to KL (bawak durian beb, bau nye pergh....sampai arini harum)..nenek kirim isi durian lagi (nk buat tempoyak boleh, nk mkn cam aiskrim pon bole...nenek pesan). we reached home @ about 6. balik bole masak pulak lagi...adeh..nape la energetic sgt. walopon pnat tp best la menghabiskan weekend di tempat lain selain drp rumah..kan pishimen kan? kan? kan?

skil pishimen yg sukar ditandingi

pishimen silau kene matahari

26 June 2009

what the...???????

gua tekejut beruk beb dpt emel nih. selame beberape taun bekerja di industri susu beberape taun yg lepas, xpenah la pulak gua dgr formula milk ingredients die human hormone...apekah????

kepade para2 pemforward emel...sile kaji isi kandungan emel sblm diforwardkan kay...now i'm laughing like krazeee sbb emel ni klaka. utk insan2 yg skeptikal cam gua nih, i won't accept bulat2 mende2 cenggini. misti nk question balik. antara question yg gua tnye blk kt org yg anta emel :

1. nape x halal?
2. cane lak susu tepung bole jd x halal?
3. hormon manusia??..dlm bdn manusia byk hormon..hormon mane satu??
4. ni nk boikot kampeni buat susu tu ke nk boikot susu. guys, kalo nk boikot kampeni tu, terus terang jela.jgn nk tuduh susunye pulak.sian budak2 yg da minum tuh, mak bpk nye dah risau.

ni yg aku marah nih.....!!!!!

emel yg mencetus kemarahan :

Peringatan: Bagi yg bakal melahirkan Dan sudah melahirkan, diharap hindarkan jenama yg merosakkan aqidah Islam. Demi anak-anak yg soleh Dan solehah..

Susu similac in adalah product Abbott Laboratories selain similac, Abbott Laboratories juga distribute susu-susu berikut:
1) Isomil

2) gain
3) gain plus
4) grow
5) pediasure
6) ensure

Berkaitan status halal / tak halal TU, harap Kita dapat information a.s.a.p. Info utk kenkawan yg ader anak/adik/anak sedara yg minum susu.*SIMILAC*.

Sorry terpaksa info pasal benda in untuk pengetahuan mothers to be.. And please inform this to ur ‘mummy’ friends ok Aku baru dapat info dari Datuk Dr Maamor persatuan pengguna Islam Malaysia .. Susu formula *SIMILAC* diragui status halalnya.Susu in pun quite famous.. Ada di pasaran. Susu TU dipercayai guna hormon manusia dalam proses pembuatannya. Susu TU pun dah dikategorikan tak HALAL dari Persatuan Pengguna Islam Amerika Syarikat.
Inform kawan2 ok!..

p/s : anybody yg bole kasi scientific explanation on this, please come forward. aku benci btol org fitnah2 makanan nih.

24 June 2009

luv dis pic!!

freestyling ourselves!!

aku suke gamba nih

kawan2..anda juge suke bukan???

p/s : thanks 4 coming guys!!!..sori lambat apdet, ank da 5 bulan baru nk letak gamba kawen

22 June 2009

pishimen's fifth month birthday

pishimen is 5 months old last saturday, hoorey!!!!!!!!! maknenye dah 5 bulan aku bersalin tp napekah rase mcm da lame gile??? nape baby fats ni xmo lari2 lagi..yg lari cume 10 kg, yg lebih2 * kg tu x lari lg...(terpakse merahsiekan brape kg lagi yg x turun, sile teka sndri)

usually ktorg wat appointment with dr. koshy during weekdays so, xramai org la kt klinik tuh. tp kali ni sbb 20 aribulan adelah ari Sabtu ---> (aku saje je nk kasi cantek immunization book die, sume nye 20 aribulan, bulan je lain2) sungguh amat ramai org pada hari tersebut. da la terlambat dtg, bukan salah pishimen, ibu dgn ayah die yg lambat siap.

sampai kat klinik tuh ade satu minah melayu nih --> cube utk jadi menjengkelkan dgn becakap omputih dgn ank die. aku rase ank die xpaham ape ke bende yg mak die ckp.

minah melayu (mat saleh wannabe) : "shawn (name ank), come here. u stay here, mama take the car."
shawn : hanye memandang mama die lalu lari merata2 kat tempat mainan la, lari kat maid die la (die igt mak die saje2 je panggil die)
minah melayu (mat salleh wannabe) : setelah xde respon +ve drp anknye maka die hanye buat2 tgk tivi sambil tggu nurse panggil name die

kesah di atas bukanlah ats dasar dengki atau prejudis. tp atas dasar prihatin ke atas keadaan sekeliling. mmg menjengkelkan dgr minah tu becakap (xtau die ckp dgn sape, dgn maid die kot. tp tgk muke maid die cam indon, pastuh muke blur jek). ok, aku xkesah sgt bab die speaking tuh, bagus la die practice international language..aku bangge gak. tp yg paling x tahan tu bile dgr nurse pggil minah tuh. pastu aku dgr la name ank die (ank die ade 3 org, kecik2 lg. aku saspek tige2 tuh nk wat appoinment jmpe dr. koshy) so pas dgr name ank2 die tuh aku terus bisik kat inche' riki...

selipa oren : dgr x name ank minah tuh td?
inche' riki : tak (inche' riki tgh bace paper). nape?
selipa oren : yg die pggl td tu kan name shawn. pastuh td nurse tu sebut name shane pulak. rasenye yg kecik skali dlm car seat tuh misti name shun kan?
inche' riki : emm...bole tahan la. mungkin kot.

lepas minah mat salleh wannabe tuh blah, ktorg mcm xdek aktiviti nk buat, tade org utk diusya & dikutuk (muahahahahaha-laki bini same jek)...tibe2 pishimen nangis (die dah ade habit baru - nangis tibe2) & as usual i'm heading to the breastfeeding room kt blkg. tgh bf tuh, ade akak sorang tu masuk nk bf jugak. ank die girl & almost 6 months dah, sebulan tue drp pishimen. pishimen seperti biase sgt alert terhadap gender yg berlainan & every 2 minutes die akan pusing tgk baby girl kat sebelah. pas sembang2 dgn akak tuh, sampai la turn ktorg masuk jmpe dokter.
pishimen sgt excited jumpe dokter die. dr. koshy pon dgn galaknye mengagah & pishimen pon tersengih2.

dr. koshy : farish...dokter ni
pishimen : (sengih)
dr. koshy : farish...dokter ade hadiah utk kau...
pishimen : (tibe2 wat cam muke tekejut)
dr. koshy : aii farish.. kau dah takut ke?...ok,mari kite ke meja penderaan

haha...dr. koshy mmg pggl examination couch die as meja penderaan. pishimen begitu ghairah skali tunjuk kebolehan die berdiri (dpn dokter & nurse bertugas) & bile time dokter nk cocok je dokter pon cakap

dr. koshy : farish, kau ni kalau dgn perempuan kasi senyuman khas ye... (nurse aritu mmg mude & cun)
pishimen : (senyum)

amazingly, kali ni cocok pishimen x nangis pon, even x jerit langsung. menurut inche' riki yg berade berdekatan dgn tempat kejadian, pishimen buat muke konfius & lepas tu senyum ---> pishimen, ibu is very proud of you!!. adekah sbb ade nurse yg cun di sebelah? (kecik2 dah minat pompuan, haruskah?) pastuh bile nurse tuh dukung die, pishimen punye tgn pun dah stat nk merabe2...ok, pishimen bole merabe kat ibu je tau, jgn nk rabe org lain..behave sket!!!

anyway, as we came out from the room, sumorang tnye..."x nangis ke??" & me as a proud mother jwb dgn senyuman (time tu mmg kembang abes).."x nangis pon, siap die senyum2 lagi"

to pishimen : pishimen mmg strong boy! ibu & ayah mmg buat saving kat medical bills (belum penah dmm lg, cume baya utk injection jek, tp leh claim kampeni..haha), save on formula milk...cume bli pampers jek. so, keep on bf to build ur immune system kay?

pishimen yg ceria berdondek bersama kakak sara

dr. koshy --> aktiviti cocok bakal bermula, pandangan dihalang oleh siku inche' riki

pishimen ghairah menunjukkan skil nye berdiri --> dr jauh nmpk mcm cekelat udang

pishimen terbaring di meja penderaan ---> inche' riki seperti biase cube interfrem

19 June 2009

aku puas !!!!

korang tertekan x kalo ade bos yg suke nk cari kesalahan korang. i'm one of the person yg di cari kesalahan oleh bos aku. hahaha...however today aku puas coz today each time die cari kesalahan aku by shooting emel (cc to everybody beb) tp aku berjaya jwb balik (cc to everybody jugak) dgn pantas & tanpe rase bersalah (mane ade aku salah, sume keje siap on time. efisyen!!)....yezza!!!!

note to kak aida : nasib baik akak xde 2 ari ni kalo x rasenye akak pon meletup.

15 June 2009

upin & ipin

teknik pishimen mengempiskan mulut

pishimen & skil barunye

nape anak aku beraksi mcm ni?

upin (yg besa) & ipin (yg kecik)....due2 xdek rambut

Hujung minggu yang meriangkan

as mentioned b4, ade satu lagi b'day prezen utk inche' riki yg x muat nk masukkan dlm goody bag die. i've booked a 2 days 3 nites stay @ colmar tropicale, bukit tinggi. hehe...so the nite b4 pishimen was so excited sampai tido lambat (xtau la die paham ke x soknye nk g jalan2, tp die mmg tdo lmbt mlm tu)

we make our move on saturday after inche' riki balik keje & cek kete (igt kn die xmo gi keje). kebetulan pulak ujan, tp xde la lebat sgt. pishimen yg sgt excited smpai tetdo nk tggu perjalanan bermule (ptt la die ngamuk pon). we reached there & check in to our room..besar btol. sib baik aku booking online, dpt 50% discount. di sebabkan ujan (kene jage welfare pishimen, tkt die demam) maka aktiviti di waktu ptg adelah tido + tgk tivi + bertenggek kat balkoni. mlmnye kuar dinner & ade la show kat bwh tuh (joget2). ktorg yg kebuluran nk serbu kdai yg serve roast chicken tp da penuh. harus cpt..kdai tutup kul 10! maka kedai yg ade tmpt kosong ialah kdai piza ala2 italy. dpt menu je minah tuh kate piza dah abes...(d**n it!!). maka inche' riki mkn pasta & i just ordered soup (haruskah?????) di sebabkan kelaparan yg amat sgt maka mengorder lagi kepak ayam..(kenyang la kot ni). pishimen sepeti biase sgt excited & menjerit2 di keheningan mlm. pulak tu ade satu couple rasenye br kawen la tuh, dok sblh meja ktorg. laki die bwk camera dslr (inche' riki nmpk cam terbakar je), dok amik gamba bini die bertalu2 (posing yg same sampai dkt nk 300kali). mau bute mate kene flash tu --> ini bukan ayat dengki, ini realiti hidup. pastu yg lagi buat aku terbakar, couple tu dpt mkn piza walopon die dtg lg lambat dr ktorg (wat the tuttt....waitress tuh tipu aku!!!)

esoknye pishimen bgn lmbt maka aku terlepas breakfast, inche' riki je yg pegi (padahal tmpt breakfast kt bwh bilik ktorg je) ktorg decide nk packing brg, check-out & br g jln2. nk mandi lak sejuk gile (teringat mase gi beijing dlu, sejuk gile air walopon ade water heater. da la subuh masuk kul 4.30 pagi, beku!!) maka setelah mengikut plan ktorg pon bli la souvenir pape yg ptt (bajet ciput, hanye magnet peti ais) & terus g japanese garden (sbb dpt tiket free). Sampai je sane kene parking kat bwh & naik dgn tren ke amende ntah name kenderaan tuh. sampai kat ats, kene menapak lagi (sumpah aku xberdaye!) nmpknye inche' riki begitu cekal sekali utk mendaki (aku cube ngelat dgn kunun2 ingin berehat di souvenir shop). akhirnye terpakse melakukan pendakian (aduh...zmn dlu2 aku gagah je mendaki gunung, baru beranak sorang da pancit). pendakian amat meriangkan terutamanye mase nk turun (fuh!!!) tp ktorg decide nk turun sendiri sampai tmpt paking, xmo tggu kenderaan tuh (gile siot, dorang berebut, kene jage kebajikan pishimen). da hampir2 sampai kat bwh ktorg nmpk ade beberape org yg berazam tggi nk mendaki sendiri sbb kederaan tu dtg lmbt. ade satu couple tu mat saleh (tue, ade aa umo 60 lebih kot) dok bejalan dgn sorang minah melayu ni (mude, ank die ke??..gilpren ke??) dgn berkasut tumit tggi cube utk mendaki (haruskah?? aku rase ade la sudut ketinggian 50 darjah, bole ke pakai kasut tuh? tgh2 jln die rase sukar make die tanggalkan kasut die, berkaki ayam sambil melafazkan kate2 azimat 'i'm a survivor'...... for me, die adelah survivor sbb sanggup berdampingan dgn org tue tuh..org tue tuh x tlg die lgsg, t'sengih2 je aku tgk. kalo aku jd minah tuh aku bia je org tue tu m'daki sorang2, aku tggu la kenderaan yg mcm optimus prime tu. bile org tue tu da pnat, sakit...pastu...tutt....pompuan tu jugak yg untung..(muahahahaha)

ktorg turun kl dlm kul1 lebih & oleh kerane kelaparan thp cipan, pas sampai terus gi makan. anyway, i had fun during my weekend! inche' riki pulak pulang dgn perasaan membare terhadap kamera die....hahaha. pishimen selaku bos seperti biase, tdo sepanjang perjalanan.

pishimen yg lega sbb dah sampai

tempat kediaman ktorg

inche' riki mmg suke tgk org joget2 ni

katil bersaiz king, sgt besar utk ktorg 3 org

bilik air yg ceria tp xdek pintu...hampeh

amukan drakulat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

suamiku yg kelaparan

perjalanan malam (nape gelap sgt nih, x psg flash rupenye)

teknik berak yg mudah & santai

pishimen di tepian kali

"aku nk bli tempat ni kasi kat bini aku la.."

cabaran pendakian bermula

di pinggir kali jua....

ikan koi ke..(ade budak blkg ktorg tu panggil ikan ni ikan jepun..ade ke?)

bersame maskot utama percutian..pishimen

bangunan ape sebelah tu?

inche' riki di sebalik petak2

perjalanan pulang

nape aku xturun lagi

bergaye iklan salem

anak & bape

cuace kat bkt tinggi xsejuk sgt so pishimen pakai la jaket bulu2 die ni kat umah je, ekon kene maksimum!

12 June 2009

motherhood joy ---> breastfeeding

Weaning food guide by EnfaMama Club (aku xpenah bli produk die pon, tp dorang rajin nk kasi mcm2)

Weaning starts at 6 months, avoid weaning ur baby b4 6 mths kay...he needs full nourishments from ur milk b4 he starts trying weaning foods!

muke pishimen mase tgh bf

pishimen di zaman2 breastmilk jaundice nye, sungguh langsing...langsung x michelin

for the past 4+ months i've been enjoying my motherhood days especially during breastfeeding (bf) times. yup, i'm still bf ing my pishimen & will be continuing this at least until he's a year old. to all mothers out there, i hope you agree with me that the first two months are very challenging in order for us to succeed bf. fortunately i got all the support i needed from my ever loving inche' riki & family & friends & even my gynae & pishimen's paediatrician. kudos to you all out there.. i almost give up last time but i'm proud that i made it until now.

my case is quite interesting as pishimen was diagnosed with suspected breast milk jaundice since he's 7 days old. it's a rare case & nobody knows what triggers it yet but i do made my research through the net & i stick to this website : susuibu.com all the time for all the guides i needed to bf. you can refer to this article for breast milk jaundice ; http://susuibu.com/modules/articles/article.php?id=5 & it's a very straight forward article to understand.
as a first time mother, i encountered a lot of things pertaining bf such as :

1. stressful times to feed as feeding time is not regular. newborn baby usually wakes up at nite & feeds more at that time. 1 thing i learned is that i can express my milk during daytime, store it & at nite inche' riki can help me feeding the baby (if i happened to be sangat penat & moody la kan..)

2. when pishimen diagnosed with jaundice, i received lots of petua from people around (org2 kampung & yg xduduk di kampung) such as minum air gula batu, minum susu kambing, sengkuang cina..etc..etc...(baby just need to drink milk, y give them consume all these things?) very sorry to say but i dont believe all these petua (sbb yg kene makan ke minum ke mmg aku xcaye, kalo mende2 external tu aku bole la try. so korang selamatkan la ank korang dr kene minum mende2 ni sume, akan merosakkan perut baby & sbb kan die cirit birit). the reason why is, first: you need to understand what jaundice is. that's important!!!!!!!! last time, org tua2 don't know what triggers jaundice (they even say that jaundice comes with fever so jadi la demam kuning...jaundice mane demam beb!) so they try everything & often they got lucky that their baby's jaundice got rid off early. i only believe in jemur baby under the sun coz that's the only effective way to red blood cells containing fetal hemoglobin to be broken down and eliminated from the body. once pishimen was admitted, i cried & terkilan coz xdpt nk sunbathe pishimen (ibu dlm pantang xleh & one more thing, xde nye nk jd itam kalo kene jemur tuh..dok tepi tingkap pon jd la asalkan dpt matahari). lg satu, ibu xpaham ape kene mengena air gula batu ke susu kambing ke dgn jaundice???? does that helps??? lagi naik bilirubin ade la. so due to his jaundice i need to feed him with full time breast milk (exclusive) to fasten the elimination of bilirubin through his stool & urination.

3. i agree that mothers nowadays are being educated with bf goodness more than our mother's time (about 20 years ago) especially when going back to work. last time most mothers will stop bf when they're back to work as they're not used to express & store their milk (tgk pam susu pon dah pelik, siap tnye lg nk pakai cane & satu lagi, jgn berkire! pam yg bagus akan memberi hasil yg bagus & sile beli botol yg BPA free utk anak2 korang kalo xmo long term effects such as cancer). another reason is that if they stop bf at that time it'll be easier for them to do their daily chores & one more reason is org tue2 yg pesan.." ala, benti jela susu bdn tu. dah nk stat keje...nnt susah org nk jage. lg pon susah die nk benti nnt". my humble reaction is "biarlah,...org tue2 ni xmembace buku, xtgk tenet, dorang pon dpt nasihat drp mak2 dorang. lgpon ni ank aku, ikut suke la aku nk buat ape" (ckp dlm ati je, kalo ckp dpn org tue mampos nk kene terajang)

4. people nowadays must understand that researches are being done from time to time to educate mothers on bf. if last time government care givers (usually nurses) conduct classes to educate mothers on bf techniques, when to stop, when to start wean ur baby..etc..etc.. & i think now they still do. the thing is that they didn't explore more to update their knowledge. my mother once told me that they're advised to start wean baby from 4 months old..for me that's too early & professionals (paediatricians) will advice to start wean only at 6 moths old. u'll be hearing org2 tua will talk back to you.."ala, dlu2 aku start kasi makan time umo 3 bulan, xde pape pon, sihat je" (but u will never know bile dah besa nanti, ur child will be having problems like allergy, ulser perut ke apendiks ke...kan?kan?kan?..inche' riki kan?) but one thing for sure, i wont expose pishimen to all these risks. biasenye ibu2 ni kasi dorang punye ank mkn cpt sbb dorang ade perception yg ank dorang lapa (nangis pas minum susu) & nk kasi ank die tido lame sket. babies have their own sleeping schedule when they comes to their age so y force them to sleep more??? they need to explore & learn new things..baru la brain bole develop & jadi bijak!!! (doesn't mean kalau budak tu asik tido je pastu x ngamuk die ok (anak yg baik), misti ade sumthing wrong. babies at their early ages should be active not passive..kay? lagi satu kalau baby kite kecik & xmichelin sgt bukan bermakne x bagus, yg penting die sihat!

5. mothers who bf their baby will experience a wonderful bonding with their baby during bf. every day i can't wait to be at home to feed my baby, especially if really tensed kat ofis, balik je bf pishimen terus bole release stress...haha..best kan, therapy yg FOC!

6. bf adelah suatu yg mulia..digalakkan dlm islam. to those yg anti bf, x believe in bf & x yakin dgn bf ni, ade satu je simple question utk korang...susu ibu tu kan ciptaan Allah, ciptaan Allah tu xde cacat cela nye...@ human milk is designed for milk & cow's milk is designed for cow (got it?). Human milk is a complete package of : water, vitamins, proteins, sterile, temperature & mother's love compared to cow's milk : no water (except water mase nk bancuh susu tu), vitamins, proteins (cow's protein tau!), sterile (only mase packing tp korang penah masuk ke dlm kilang susu (i did), mase nk bancuh susu tu sterile ke tgn korang?), temperature (reti ke nk sukat air ikut suhu badan manusia?), mother's love will definitely be zero!!!. one more bonus utk babies yg bf ni ialah they can feel their mother's emotion tau. they can tell mak nye tgh marah ke, sedih ke, tension ke, happy ke...Masya Allah, indahnye ciptaan Tuhan!

7. Last but not least, pls dont listen to people yg cakap 'susu awk x cukup la' or 'awk xde susu la'...those are myths!!!! the truth is, once u conceive --> u give birth ---> u'll definitely have milk!! sumenye bergantung pade teknik nk bf tu sendiri. mmg first time baby & the mother itself not used to bf, sumenye kene blaja & saba. it took me almost 2 months to master this skill, believe me..it's not easy. dgn sakitnye, penatnye..ngantoknye, tensennye dgr kritikan org lagi (biasenye org tue2 la suke kritik). tp kalo special case yg mmg Allah duge xde susu tu mmg xleh nk wat cane la kan..tp utk ibu2 yg sehat walafiat ni, jgn terpengaruh dgn ckp2 org until u're confirmed by a specialist (kalau dokter yg bukan specialist ke nurse ke susah gak nk caye, dorang suke main tembak je cakap) u can't produce milk..then baru la u can say that u dont have milk. recently i had a chat with a staffnurse at DEMC regarding bf & she confessed that even she worked in a hospital, doesn't mean she knows everything, there's a lot more she have to learn rather than just believe what people say. so remember, even if working in a hospital u wouldn't know everything!

kalau nk cite pasal bf ni sampai pishimen umo setaun pon xabes, everyday i will discover sumthing new about him & vice versa. to all mothers & mothers wannabe, marilah kite menyokong bf, do a lot of research & readings & ape yg penting ???? kene ikhlas, jgn mengeluh & niat misti betul...kalau org tue2 ckp tu (yg mitos2 je) jgn la melawan, the best is diam je, sabar & senyum (masuk telinge kiri kuar telinge kanan) like i always do...haha

ok..more links to explore :

Breastfeed a Toddler - Why on Earth http://susuibu.com/modules/articles/article.php?id=2

Maaf Nak, Ibu x cukup bersedia

Muslim Mom's Breastfeeding FAQ

or simply log on to http://susuibu.com


event supervisor, garang nih...jgn kejut die kalau nk selamat

sexy birthday wishes to u..inche' riki

happy advanced father's day ayah - by event supervisor

inche' riki's birthday cake - very berry strawberry
guess who's birthday is it........hehe...inche' riki la (sorry da reveal your age here). anyway, we're still belia rite ?? (tshirt berkolar, kancing sume butang, tuck in baju & seluar slack ats pinggang, rambut belah tepi, poket blkg ade sikat kaler oren)

ok for inche' riki's birthday this year, i've cahooted with pishimen (yeah, rite. mcm la pishimen tau pe besday ayah die pastu xlame lg father's day) so 'we' decided to make it a combo celebration. so after all, only me have to do the shopping & preparation. as usual, pishimen as the boss is only supervising me (daa????)
the original plan is to have a surprise party for inche' riki on 12 midnight, 11th june but x jadi coz ngantok gile...tertido dgn pishimen. bile terbangun je dah kul 3 pagi (haruskah memotong kek lalu mendendangkan lagu birthday jam 3 pagi??? haruskah dimaki oleh jiran2??) so...have to go for plan B. so b4 heading to work while inche' riki bermain2 dgn air dlm bilik air, i rushed down to put his goody bag (full of presents..best..best) near his golla bag. after that act as usual to siap2 pegi keje & tuka pampers pishimen. tibe2 inche riki naik smule...hehe...misti die dah tgk goody bag die nih. kalo tidak misti bising 'cepat,cepat...dah lambat nk gi keje nih' tp kali ni die rilek je main sembang2 dgn pishimen yg tgh berdondek atas katil sambil pakai pampers. pas pishimen dah siap dressed then inche' riki cakap..'ok, dah siap. meh sini nk shium due2....tenkiu sgt2 igt b'day ayah'....hehe...i never 4get ok?
so yesterday balik awal nk ajak inche' riki dinner but xdpt nk rempit laju2 coz jerebu tebal. kul 6 pick up inche' riki & after that pick up pishimen pulak. pishimen mmg suke kalo gi alan2...tp mmg smlm die main air liur maksimum punyelah..sampai baju ibu die pon basah. tp pishimen baik, time makan die tido je so ibu & ayah bole makan dgn aman mcm mase becinte2 dlu...muahahhaha.
anyway...happy b'day inche' riki!!! tomorrow we'll go for our holiday ya...(ni pon present utk inche' riki jugak tp xmuat nk letak dlm goody bag die)

11 June 2009

siape yg bersihkan bumi?

ikan duyung SAP (janice, jgn marah saya)

gambar ini diambil sebelum kawen (tlg jgn gosip). makhluk di sebelah adelah rakan sepasukan & kami terpakse berkayuh utk menyelamatkan diri

ini adelah lagenda teragung dlm pasukan SAP (hanye kitorang je yg tau kehebatan beliau..basket!!)
for more pics, visit my picasa ya!

Attn to all Frieslandfoods SAP implementation team :

sile rujuk kepada gambar2 di atas, igt x kenangan di langkawi????

kepada ahli2 puak P2 (saifudin,sile suruh janice menyaksikan entry ini), tlg igt kenangan SAP sbb dlm byk2 team, hanye P2 je yg xpenah berpecah walaupun kite melalui byk halangan :

1. halangan utk claim ot..masih igt kah?

2. halangan dr makcik janice...(what should i do? what should i do?)

3. pertukaran consultant - xpe, kite dpt consultant yg cun!

4. cabaran mengendalikan training di bulan pose (tlg igt kenangan janice mkn dpn kite)

5. cabaran harus pulang awal kerna isteri sudah bising di rumah

6. tido di ofis kerna ingin go live

7. cabaran menghabiskan duit makcik janice sebanyak 50 hengget utk mkn malam

10 June 2009

Points 2 Ponder : Smoking & Fatwa (NST_31/5/2009)

Fourteen years ago, the National Fatwa Council issued an opinion that smoking was haram (forbidden). Although it was gazetted as law only in Selangor and Penang, the opinion is actually binding upon all Muslims in the country. So, why are so many Muslims still smoking? Is it a transgression, or is it just ignorance? ANIZA DAMIS speaks to National Fatwa Council chairman Professor Datuk Abdul Shukor Husin

Q: Why is smoking haram?
A: The opinion is based on three reasons. The first is that smoking is hazardous to the health of the smoker, to others and to the environment. This is supported by medical experts. To harm yourself or others is forbidden in Islam.In Islam, it is compulsory to protect your life. This is among five things that a Muslim must protect (the remaining four being faith, honour, property and family).The Quran says you must not put yourself in a situation which brings destruction. So, if you know that something can destroy, you are obliged to stay away from it.
The second reason is wastefulness. Smoking brings no benefit to our body, the environment or the people around us.
Thirdly, the ulama are of the opinion that smoking is a bad habit not liked by people.In the council, we had 14 muftis, five religious experts, as well as consultants -- doctors -- to give scientific opinion and evidence. Having heard all the evidence, the council came to the opinion that smoking was haram. It became a hukum (law). This law was brought to the states for discussion. They agreed to declare smoking haram, and Selangor and Penang had it gazetted, where it became a fatwa (legal opinion).

Q: If a certain state does not gazette this law to make it a fatwa, does this mean smoking is not haram in that state?
A: The purpose of gazetting is to implement a law. The hukum (law) is already there and stands on its own. Gazetting it allows a state to implement and enforce that law.

Q: When the National Fatwa Council is of the opinion that smoking is haram, then it's haram for the entire country?
A: Yes. But it is not a fatwa yet, so it's not legally enforceable.

Q: The findings of the muzakarah (dialogue) were made 14 years ago. So, why is there still confusion among the people regarding this hukum? Some even say the fatwa is false. Some people question how smoking can be declared haram when during the time of Prophet Muhammad, it was only makruh (discouraged).
A: If you look to Saudi Arabia, smoking has been declared haram. And if you look at the opinions of the ulama in the Middle East, they, too, have said smoking is haram. Yet, it cannot be denied that some say it's makruh.But with regards to the makruh opinion, there are a few things we have to consider. For instance, perhaps during the time when smoking was considered makruh, there was no scientific evidence to prove smoking was harmful to health.Secondly, perhaps cigarettes at that time were different; perhaps they didn't have the same toxic chemical components as cigarettes have these days. But even then, people should remember what makruh means: not appropriate for us to do it. And if we avoid doing it, we will be rewarded. So, if later on, after the Prophet's time, research shows that smoking is hazardous to health, is wasteful and has no benefits, then it becomes haram.

Q: To what does smoking refer? Is it only cigarettes, or does it also apply to cigars, roll-up cigarettes, and shisha (narghile/water pipes)?
A: To all, as long as you smoke it and it has tobacco. What is of concern is the smoking that brings about wastefulness, harm to your health and the health of others, and is a habit despised by others. That is how we gauge (whether or not it is haram).

Q: In Islam, what is legally enforceable and what you have to enforce yourself are two different things. One is about external regulation and the other is about internal regulation.
A: Yes. That's why, in my opinion, in implementing this law, the important thing is tarbiyah (education). We must educate the Muslim society so that they understand the rationale for the law, why it is haram. When we are educated on this, we must educate our children and society.The government's efforts in educating people about the dangers of smoking and making public areas no-smoking zones are effective. But to expect it to take effect immediately would be difficult, because the smoking habit is so well-entrenched in society.Secondly, we must look after our heirs -- our children. Even though we may not allow our children to smoke, we must also make sure we don't send them out to the shops to buy cigarettes.In Islam, law is secondary. What is more important is education.For example, when Prophet Muhammad wanted to make alcohol haram, it wasn't done instantly. It was done gradually. First, he said: "Don't pray while in a state of intoxication, so that you will know what you are praying."So, it was step-by-step. When the people reached the ultimate state of awareness, they themselves rejected alcohol.

Q: So, in Islam, understanding the rationale of the law is more important than the law itself?
A: Yes. In Islam, we do not need to impose the law. We have to start with education, make sure people understand. Law is actually for people who do not want to follow the rules. In Islam, we know that humans don't go against their nature (tabi'e). So, Islam is about managing people's nature, not destroying it. For instance, marriage manages our natural inclinations. So, Islam sets the procedure for you, of how to get married, what your responsibilities in marriage are, your responsibilities to your children, etc.It's not about, "What is the hukum?" or "Is it haram or not?" These things are secondary. We should look upon Islam as an educator. If you look at verses in the Quran and Hadith, there are very few laws, actually. What there is is education. It's all about "remember", "take heed", "be advised".

Q: Why are there still many states that have not gazetted this fatwa so far?
A: I don't know, I've never asked. At the federal level, we cannot force the states to gazette it.

Q: So, it doesn't mean that if it is not gazetted, it's not haram?
A: It's still haram.

Q: If a state gazettes the fatwa while others don't, does it mean that that state is more Islamic than the others?
A: No. But it does mean that the state is moving towards implementing and enforcing the fatwa.

Q: If we smoke cigarettes, is it the same as drinking alcohol?
A: No. Alcohol is something that is listed in the Quran as "the originator of all evil". But the haram element of the cigarette is based on factors that arise later. Alcohol has always been haram, and its varieties have always existed. Alcohol causes you to lose your judgment; but smoking doesn't make you drunk or cause you to lose your judgment. But with cigarettes, sometimes people make them without nicotine and harmful ingredients and call it "cigarette". When it is in this form, there's no problem with the cigarette.

Q: According to the Third National Health and Morbidity Survey, a quarter of all smokers in Malaysia are Malays, who are Muslim. Why is it that when it comes to alcohol or flesh of swine, which are haram, Malays abstain, but not so with cigarettes?
A: It depends on the awareness of the Muslim community. It's the same with alcohol. Loathing for alcohol is inculcated in us from young, just as is our aversion to pork. That's why education is important. If you've done a good job of it, all you have to do is say babi (pig), and the mere mention of it will make people feel queasy.

Q: If smoking is haram, is the farming of tobacco or the manufacturing of tobacco products also forbidden?
A: Well, Saudi Arabia says it's forbidden. But does just planting the tobacco plant lead to wastefulness or harm to the health? At the basic level, no. However, if you plant tobacco for the purpose of damaging a person's health, then that's forbidden. A person should find some other crop to cultivate. If there is no other option, then that's all right.

Q: Can a smoker be a wali (legal guardian who officiates at a wedding) or an imam (who leads prayers)?
A: With regards to wali, you have to look at the context of the times. Last time, a wali had to be a person of impeccable character. However, smoking being haram is a relatively new thing, so we want to educate people first. In any case, smoking does not bring a person down to the same level as an adulterer or drunkard. So, a smoker can be a wali.The person can also be an imam.

Q: What would you say to someone who says that he does not sin because he lives in Selangor (which has gazetted the fatwa), but works and smokes in Kuala Lumpur (which has not gazetted it)?
A: If you want to run away from doing good, you'll use any excuse. These are people who oppose truth and try to get an exemption for themselves.

Q: In 1982, the International Conference on Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking in Medina, organised by the World Ulama Association, declared smoking haram. Does this apply to the entire Muslim world? Or can a person say that, although it's haram in his country, if he goes overseas, smoking is halal?
A: No, he can't. If you went overseas and smoked, would it be any less hazardous to your health than if you smoked at home?That's why tarbiyah is important. Before you enforce a law, you must explain it to the people. When they fully understand the law, they will shun the bad on their own.

this article caught my attention as recently i'm sort of like following the contents of one of opposition party's annual meeting ( i would rather keep the party's name a secret as the followers are very extreme)

i was told by one of the supporter (inche' riki, you know this particular person) as the party exists as there is no justice & truth in the existing government's party. I would also agree with it but i would accept also the reality as there's nothing perfect in this world, u wont get all that u've wished for. that's y we are humans, we learnt from our mistakes. frankly speaking, i'm not a fan of politic & that's the reason y i've never voted in my whole life before & i got all the reasons in the world for that.

this particular party is referring to almost all pious members (wild guess..now you know what i'm talking about), you can tell by the way they dressed & u will have an impression as how pious & well-mannered they are. i agree that some of them are but how about the rest of them?

referring to the article above, how many of them are sensitive to this fatwa? they still smoke...& they will have their own reasons for that. for me, if you really want to 'menegakkan keadilan& kebenaran', u should be able to correct yourself first & then u'll be able to lead people.

the same goes to emails (i dont know who created them, they are being circulated like thousands times) on haram foods or even toothpaste (what???...do they learn science in school?) but what about cigarettes??? dont they give a damn about it?? dont they know that 'fitnah' is a sin as a muslim?? (now u know y i'm neutral when it comes to politic)

i'm not pointing to any particular person but this is based on experience. one thing that makes me laugh is that how they give their opinions on i.e : drinks with alcohol. one of them did tell me that livita contains alcohol...what the??? (xnmpk ke sijil halal kat situ, dah name minuman tenaga dah sah2 byk gule) duh...maybe they should learn what i learnt during my uni days on fermentation. how alcohol is produced...but what about 'tapai?' do they know tapai also contains alcohol, it goes through fermentation process??? y 'tapai' is not haram?....i can conclude that if you want to condemn sumthing, you should know inside out about that thing or else, in the end you are the one to be laughed.

enuff on criticising, i'm just giving my humble thoughts as i'm also a muslim & i would love to live in a peace & harmony malaysia. are you with me?

08 June 2009

Q & A - daku mmg handal menjawab soalan

1. Kekasih saya adalah : Inche' riki..(haruskah daku letak name org lain?)
2. Saya sedang mendengar : ape yg inche' riki dgr
3. Mungkin saya patut : keje dlm bidang SAP skarang (rugi je dpt cert)
4. Saya baru sudah : semayang zohor (setelah mengantok seharian)
5. Beza rakan, sahabat, kawan : omputih ckp friend je. org melayu ni mmg aa suke membeza2kan
6. Saya tidak faham : bahase banjar
7. Saya perlu mencari: wang besar!!!! wang besar!!!!!!!!
8. Ayat terakhir yang dikatakan kepada saya : "dah sampai tepon"..by inche' riki
9. Makna kehidupan : masih bernyawa (what??..i'm a science student)
10. Cinta itu adalah : best (8 taun becinte pastu kawen pastu sambung lg becinte)
11. Saya paling suka : bos xde kat ofis..muahahahaha
12. Saya akan cuba : kembali ke berat yg asal (pishimen, these baby fats are yours. take them back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
13. Mengapa rakyat Malaysia suka menggunakan LAH di akhir ayat mereka : sbb senang
14. Telefon bimbit saya : Nokia (aku x igt model nye, bole x?)
15. Katil saya : memberi perlindungan tulang blakang & enuff space for me & inche' riki only. pishimen, pls sleep in your own bed!!!
16. Soalan yang bagi saya tidak perlu ditanya : berat brape skarang? sumpah aku akan tipu!!
17. Teknologi adalah : pasangan kepada sains
18. Bagaimana saya boleh memasak masakan yang saya paling pandai masak : dengan bantuan inche' riki utk melakukan kerja2 rencam
19. Semalam : saye memasak
20. Hari ini : saya tertidur di lampu isyarat
21. Malam ini saya akan : tidur awal & bangun awal
22. Esok pula saya akan : cube utk bersemangat ke pejabat kerana bos ade
23. Saya betul2 inginkan : these baby fats to be gone
24. Badminton atau futsal : outdoor game please!!!!!
25. Karaoke : daku rindukan karaoke, cume nyanyian lagu2 rock kapak bersama inche' riki di malam minggu di samping radio sinar fm
26. Kereta : inche' riki punye. tolong tuka bucket seat tu kalau nk ank nombo 2!
27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap : gelap aa...xde aa obvious sgt baby fats nih
28. Makanan jepun adalah : tidak boleh dimakan ketika pregnant
29. Ayat terakhir yang nak anda katakan pada seseorang : dulu aku xgemuk camni
30. Siapa yang anda tag : ntah la.xreti tag

kerjaan yg tenang di bidang SAP - soalan nombo 3

sukan outdoor yg meriangkan (3 gunung, 1 malam @ cameron highlands) - soalan nombo 24

ape ni?????????...sape punye keje ni??????????
dunia karaoke di redbox yg telah lama ku tinggalkan - soalan nombo 25

lawatan berjumpe rakan

last month mase miza punye housewarming, arif nk pgg tgn pishimen

arif & pishimen

last saturday 6/6/09, we went to subang bestari for a wedding. kebetulan dekat dgn umah miza, so sementare tggu inche' riki keje baik die drop je aku & pishimen kat umah miza..boleh ktorg melaksanekan operasi 'luahan perasaan' yg dah lame ktorg plan. antare kesah2 hangat yg dibincangkan :

---> "anak aku kan...."

---> "laki aku kan...." (sket pon xngumpat suami, yg baik2 je)

---> "mak mertua aku kan...." (same seperti di atas, yg baik2 je)

---> "umah aku kan..."

---> "bos aku kan..." (dah komfem2 yg buruk2 je)

arif & pishimen beza umur dlm sebulan stgh jek, tp dah mcm same besar dah. anyhow, kalo masuk school, arif senior setaun pishimen la sbb die taun 2008. xpe, jnji same2 macho...muahahahaha.

sampai2 je arif tgh mkn dlm walker, so pishimen tu pinjam aa tilam abg arif utk melepak2 kn diri die. pnjm playgym (wat mcm umah sendiri)...& at last dah keletihan bermain, berak & menjerit..due2 telentang atas tilam. ktorg gerak g kenduri kul 3 lps tggu cukup korem baru pegi.

korang nmpk x dorang ni berpegangan tgn

pishimen mintak tunjuk ajar meniarap drp abg arif

cubaan menggapai2

usaha tangge kejayaan!....pishimen dah boleh pegang menan tu

Daisypath Anniversary tickers